chapter thirty-one

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"So, who are you planning on spending Valentine's with, Luke. Your girlfriend or your boyfriend?" Zayn asked with a laugh before Luke punched his arm playfully, giving him a look that meant he really wanted the boy to shut it.

"Who are you planning to spend your's with, Zayn? Your hand?" Luke laughed and then laughed a bit harder at the hurt look on Zayn's face before they stopped at his locker.

"Actually I was planning on spending mine with your mum, Luke. Think she has a thing for me," Zayn teased as he watched Luke unlock his locker, making a face at Zayn's lame joke. "Whoever you decide to spend Valentine's with, please don't forget to wear a condom, yeah? One pregnancy in this friend group a time, yeah?" He asked without really thinking about what he had just said.

"What?" Luke asked as he rummaged through the more than messy locker, looking for one specific paper. "What do you mean? Who's pregnant?" Luke asked because this was the first he was hearing of anyone in their group being pregnant, which led him to wonder who it was.

"Shit, I..." Zayn said and then looked around at the people in the hallway, hoping that no one else had heard him and his big mouth. "Luke, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone," He said, hoping Luke would understand and not press for any further information.

"What? No, you can't just tell me someone in our friend group is pregnant and then just... not tell me who it is," Luke said as he continued to rummage through his locker, glancing over at Zayn a few times as he spoke. "Come on. I'm trustworthy."

"You are probably the least trustworthy person I know, Hemmings," Zayn rolled his eyes and then looked down at his shoes, not knowing whether or not he should tell Luke the truth. "It's not any of my business and it's none of yours either."

"It's Eleanor, isn't it?" Luke asked, deciding to just start saying names until he got the answer out of Zayn. Surely he would react to someone's name. 

"Why would you assume that it's Eleanor?" Zayn questioned as he watched Luke find the paper he was looking for before folding it messily and slipping it into his bag. 

"Logic," Luke answered with a small shrug of his shoulders before he closed the locker door and locked it again. "Logically, the only people I know that I know for sure are having sex and can get pregnant are Ashton, Bella, and Harry. Eleanor could be too, I don't know. But logically speaking, she could get pregnant, right? And she's the last person that I could think of that could be pregnant. So it has to be her, right?"

"Wrong," Zayn said and then shook his head at Luke's reasoning, looking over the boy's face as he seemed to think further into things. "Stop trying to guess. I'm not going to tell you."

"Wow," Luke said softly after a few moments of silence between the two boys as they stayed next to the wall of lockers. "It's Harry, isn't it?" He asked and then looked over at Zayn. "It has to be."

"No, Luke, I didn't sa—"

"As far as I know, neither Bella or Ashton is pregnant," Luke said and then nodded his head. "More than likely El's a virgin." He said and then looked at Zayn again. "Wow... Harry Styles is pregnant." He said before Zayn shushed him before anyone could hear him. "So, I'm right?"

"You're an asshole," Zayn rolled his eyes and then looked around again. "You can't say anything, Luke. I'm serious. No hinting or joking about it."

"My lips are sealed, Z. I'm... a vault," Luke said and then gave Zayn a small smile before looking at Louis as he walked to his locker. "Can't imagine what that feels like. Knowing that your whole life is about to change in a matter of months."

"Which is why I need you to stop talking about this," Zayn said seriously as he watched Luke. "Promise me that you won't say anything to anyone, Luke. I'm serious." Zayn said as he watched Luke closely as he nodded his head as somewhat of a promise. "I've got to get to class. See you at lunch?" He asked and waited for Luke to nod before he gave him a small smile and walked off.

Luke continued watching Louis for a moment before a very pissed off looking Ashton started walking his way. "Good morning," Luke said as he leaned against his locker, offering Ashton a smirk as he watched the boy.

"Delete it, Luke," Ashton said seriously as he stood in front of Luke. "I'm serious. Delete it right now." He said as he watched Luke. "Please, Luke? If that picture gets out I could get in a lot of trouble." He said as Luke continued smirking at him.

"I'll delete it la—"

"Now. You'll delete it now." Ashton said, crossing his arms over his chest, rolling his eyes at Luke's facial expression. "Luke, I'm serious. Fucking delete it." He said and then watched as Luke nodded his head and reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone.

"Delete it yourself," Luke offered after unlocking his phone, handing it over to Ashton. Ashton leaned his back against the lockers as he went to Luke's photos, going to the picture Ashton had stupidly sent to Luke the night before, making sure the screenshot was deleted completely off of Luke's phone before he handed it back over to the boy. "Happy?"

"Well seeing as I'm still talking to you? Not even a little," Ashton said, rolling his eyes again before walking away from Luke, still mad at him for screenshotting the picture even after he promised that he wouldn't.

"Come on, Ash," Luke said as he followed after the boy, a small smile set on his lips as he walked next to him. "I'm sorry, okay?" He apologized as he watched the curly-headed boy's still pissed off face. "I shouldn't have screenshotted the picture. I won't ever do it again."

"Yeah, you're right," Ashton said as he glanced over at Luke. "In fact, I'll make it very easy for you to never screenshot a picture of me like that ever again. I'm not sending you any more. None. Never again. It was stupid of me to send you any in the first place," Ashton shook his head. "And if you ask for them further then I just suppose that's you admitting how much of an ass you really are."

"What's your problem today?" Luke asked as he watched Ashton. "I don't plan on asking you for any pictures, Ash. If you don't want to send any then... that's up to you. You seem pissed at me for much more than the picture though. In fact, you just seem pissed in general. What's up?" He questioned as he continued walking next to Ashton.

"None of your concern," Ashton said before stopping, looking up at Luke. "Look, thanks for asking. Really nice to know you at least give a shit about me sometimes, but I have to get to class and last I checked, your class is all the way back there so..." Ashton said as he looked down the hallway they'd walked down together. "You should go to." He said before walking away from Luke again.

"Right," Luke said to himself as he watched Ashton walk down the hallway. "Great talk, Ashy," He said to himself again as he watched Ashton turn the corner. He nodded his head before walking back the way he came, heading to his class right as the warning bell rang.

"Did you talk to him?" Eleanor asked as Ashton sat next to her in his normal spot next to her in class. "Did he delete it?" She asked in a soft whisper, not wanting anyone else to hear their conversation.

"Yeah, I talked to him. Deleted it myself," Ashton assured softly and then shook his head. "I shouldn't have sent it to him in the first place. I mean... I knew he would screenshot it. Which is why I made him promise not to." He said and then looked over at Eleanor.

"Yeah, Luke isn't the best at making promises," Eleanor said and then shrugged her shoulders. "But at least he doesn't have the picture anymore, yeah? Look at the positive side of things." She smiled a little, watching Ashton's face because, despite the fact that he'd been able to delete the picture, he still looked upset. "Are you okay?" She asked curiously after the bell had rung.

"Yeah, no. I'm good," Ashton said softly, shaking himself out of his thoughts a bit. "There's just a lot going on at home, you know?" He hummed and then glanced over at Eleanor. "My parents are just... not in the best place right now." He managed to get in before their teacher had begun class, making the conversation between the two young teens cease to exist. For now.

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