chapter twelve

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How they'd let themselves get in this position? They didn't know. Well, they did know because it was pretty clear what their intentions were before Zayn had opened the bathroom door to see them in a very... compromising position.

What started off as Harry deciding to shower while Louis was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, turned into both Louis and Harry deciding to shower together. Which wasn't out of the ordinary because they'd done this before. However, they'd never been caught showering together or even remotely in the position that they were in at the moment, Harry's back pressed up against the wall of the shower as the two of them were making out, heatedly if they were being honest. Zayn had walked in, not realizing the two boys were in the bathroom, pausing when he'd caught them making out as if their lives depended on it.

"I didn't see anything," Zayn said as he quickly covered his eyes, suddenly very thankful for the clear shower curtain, but the other two boys weren't as thrilled with that choice.

"Zayn, get out," Louis said as his head turned to look over at their friend, who still had his eyes covered. "Tell anyone and I'm going to have to hit you," Louis warned as he continued to watch Zayn. "I'm serious, Z. Back out of the room and shut the door."

"Okay, yeah," Zayn said awkwardly and then reached behind the door to turn the lock on the bathroom door without uncovering his eyes. "Just gonna... lock this for you guys. Because... it's there, you know? Locking the door is typically what two people do right before they have steamy shower se—"

"Get the fuck out," Louis said a bit louder as he continued to watch Zayn.

"Yeah, okay. Sorry!" Zayn called before backing out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

"You didn't lock the door?" Louis asked as he turned around to look at Harry again, who looked absolutely embarrassed and completely frazzled.

"Me? You're the one who just... decided to join me in the shower. You should've locked the fucking door." Harry said and then gently pushed Louis off of him. "Let's just shower, Lou."

"So no shower sex?" Louis asked and then looked at Harry hopefully as he let his hair get soaked by the water streaming onto him.

"No," Harry answered as if it were the most obvious answer in the world and maybe it was, but Louis was still a little hopeful. Louis watched as Harry turned around to grab the bottle of shampoo.

"Not even a little bi—" Louis said and then stopped when Harry turned back around to look at him with a serious glare. "Okay, okay. Can I at least wash your hair then?"

Once the two of them were out of the shower and dried off, they put their clean clothes on and Louis was apologizing for Harry for not locking the door as he sat on the counter, watching as Harry brushed his teeth before there was a knock on the bathroom door. Harry looked at Louis as a way to tell him to open the door and Louis nodded, standing up to go and open it.

"Hey, just wanted to apologize again for—"

"Come in," Harry said after he'd spit the toothpaste out after rinsing his mouth and Louis opened the door a bit wider for Zayn to come in, closing the door after he'd walked in.

"Look, I really didn't mean to..." Zayn started and Harry nodded his head a little as he wiped the leftover toothpaste off of his mouth. 

"You can't say anything to anyone, Zayn. Seriously. This isn't just some casual thing that you can just gossip about to our friends, okay? I need you to keep what you saw a secret forever." Harry said seriously as he looked at Zayn. 

"I promise I won't tell anyone. I know that it's none of my business or anyone else's for that matter. I swear I won't tell." Zayn said softly and then gave both Louis and Harry a smile. "Did I ruin the moment?"

"Absolutely obliterated it actually," Louis nodded his head in confirmation and then shrugged his shoulders. "But you keeping this a secret will make up for it."

After Zayn had left the room again, both boys made sure to dry their hair well so that no one knew that they'd showered together. And even if they did realize, just because they were showering together didn't mean that they were doing anything else.

Luckily though, no one even seemed to realize that the pair were missing. Eleanor, Liam, Niall, and Ashton were in an intense game of Mario Kart and according to Zayn, they'd been playing, again and again, trying to beat Ashton, but to no avail.

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