chapter thirty

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"I'm freaking out, Lou," Harry said softly, his hands shaking as he and Louis were sat on the couch in Louis' living room. "Like actually freaking out." He said as Louis looked over at him, a calm look on his face but Harry could tell that he was very much feeling the same. Even if Louis never let on that he felt the same. 

"Just breathe, love." Louis reminded, because it sounded like the logical thing to say, and then took one of Harry's hands into his own, intertwining their fingers before pressing a small kiss to the back of Harry's hand. "One step at a time, remember? Step one: we tell my mum. Step two: we tell your mum. Just like we planned. We just have to... rip the band-aid off, or whatever." He said and the looked over Harry's face, a feeling of guilt settling into the bottom of his stomach. More-so than there already was.

"I know, Louis. Everything you're saying makes sense but I'm just... this is a really big moment. This is the moment that things change. They'll know the truth and this becomes even more real than it already is. They're going to ask questions... ones we don't know the answers to yet and ones we don't want to answer and... I'm not even sure how we're supposed to even say it," Harry said softly and then looked over at Louis again. 

"We just have to say it, Harry. It doesn't matter how. They'll react the same way no matter how we word it," Louis said softly and honestly. "They'll have a lot of questions. Just like we do. We're prepared for that, yeah? We talked things over a bit. We don't have all the answers, but we have some. And they will too, you know? They can... help." He said with a small shrug and squeezed Harry's hand gently in his own. "My mum will be home soon. Just breathe and know that this is... probably the most difficult part, yeah? Telling our parents." He said and Harry nodded, staying close to Louis until his mother's key could be heard unlocking the front door.

"What are you two doing here so early?" Jay asked after she'd walked into her home, taking notice of the two teenagers sitting on the large couch in the living room, looking down at the watch on her wrist to check the time to see if she'd maybe just misread the time. "School doesn't end for another hour." She pointed out and then looked back up at the two of them.

"Oh, um... we skipped today," Louis told her honestly because he didn't see a point in lying. If she checked his attendance at school she would notice he was absent that day anyway. "We... wanted to talk to you," Louis added before she could say anything about him and his boyfriend skipping school.

"Okay," Jay said softly and then made her way over to the love seat after setting her keys and purse on the ottoman sat against the wall. "Well? Go ahead." Jay said after there was a long bout of silence between the three of them. The longer it was quiet, the more her worry grew.

There was a look shared between both Harry and Louis because all of a sudden this situation they'd put themselves in had somehow become much, much more real. In a few moments, the truth would be out. There was no taking back the truth once it was out there. Still, one of them seemed much more scared about the whole thing than the other.

"Harry's pregnant," Louis said after a few more moments of silence between the three of them, his eyes moving from Harry's after those two very loaded words had been spoken. Instead, he focused his attention on the painting on the wall behind his mother. He couldn't look at her and he couldn't look at Harry either. He was sure his mother would have a look of anger or very possible disappointment and Harry would most likely look angry for blurting out the truth or even worse, he would look sad or scared.

Harry remained quiet as if those two words were a magic spell that made him unable to speak. He felt as if the whole house itself had become very, very quiet as well. He could practically hear his own heart beating rapidly in his chest. He didn't know if he was supposed to speak first or if he should wait for Louis' mother to reply. He and Louis hadn't discussed how things were actually going to go down, but he didn't really want the words blurted out so quickly.

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