chapter fourteen

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Harry continued to have a bit of stomach cramping for the next week, but it wasn't a horrible feeling. It just made him a bit uncomfortable and unsure of why his stomach was hurting. However, it only really ever occurred when Harry didn't go to the bathroom the moment he felt that he had to as well as, well, when he and Louis were having sex. But it wasn't horrible enough to be worried about and within that week it has subsided and Harry no longer felt anything wrong regarding to his stomach cramps.

That being said, he still felt relatively nauseous every now and again and he figured he might have just had a mild case of the stomach flu, so he didn't tell anyone. Plus, it didn't really affect him all that much. Really he only felt a little ill right before breakfast and right after lunch. Usually he felt a little sick when he got home from school as well, but lately, he'd started taking naps after school so the feeling didn't really bother him. After he woke up from his nap, he never really felt sick again until the next day.

Because he'd never actually been sick due to that icky feeling of nausea, he didn't worry about it too much and went on with his day as if everything were completely normal. However, today was different.

"Look, all I'm saying is that Ariana's whistle notes sound a lot stronger than Mariah's. That's a fact. Not an opinion." Zayn shrugged his shoulders and then took a bite of one of his chips as Harry and Louis approached the table, sitting down together. "Oh, hey, lovebirds."

"That doesn't mean Ariana is better, Zayn. They're two different people. Both with amazing voices. I never said one was better than the other, so why are you getting so defensive?" Eleanor questioned and then laughed a little as she looked over at Zayn. "And since when are you so into Ariana Grande?"

"Luke brought his little girlfriend over the other night and apparently she's a big fan of Ariana's. I asked her why and she showed me some of her songs." Zayn admitted while Ashton looked over at him with a questioning look.

"Luke was over at your place?" Ashton asked softly as he continued to watch Zayn. "With Bella?"

"Oh..." Zayn said and then looked over at Ashton. "We just haven't hung out in a bit. He asked if he could come over and I said yeah." He shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal.

"Hey, does anyone want any deviled eggs? My mum's." Liam said, trying to change the subject because Ashton looked upset and he wanted to keep the peace. He pulled the Tupperware container out of his lunchbox and then placed it on the table for anyone to take one after taking the top off.

"Oh, yes," Zayn said as he reached over to take one and as if on cue, the smell hit Harry and his nausea came back full fledge and this time worse than it's ever been because he was for sure about to be sick at any moment if he didn't run to the bathroom right now.

Harry covered his mouth and then stood up from the table before rushing to the nearest bathroom before he was sick all over the floor, luckily making his way to the bathroom, pushing open the nearest open stall before getting down on his knees, completely emptying up the contents of his stomach.

"What? Was it something I said?" Zayn asked as everyone at the table watched Harry rush out of the cafeteria. 

"Surprisingly, Z, I don't think you were the reason for Harry's abrupt departure from the table," Eleanor said teasingly as she looked over at Zayn.

"I'm going to go make sure he's alright," Louis said before standing up from the table and making his way out of the cafeteria in the direction Harry went. The hallways were empty and Louis looked around, wondering where Harry went. His question was answered when he heard retching from the nearest bathroom and Louis walked inside. "Harry?" Louis asked, looking under the stalls, seeing his boyfriend's shoes and pants as he was on his knees in the stall. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," Harry said, not particularly caring if Louis came in or not. His eyes were teared up from vomiting and his stomach hurt and he just felt sick. Louis pushed the stall door open a little and then stepped inside, locking it behind him and then sat down beside Harry after reaching over to flush the toilet. "I think I'm done," Harry said quietly, his throat on fire as he spoke.

"Okay," Louis replied and then reached up to grab some toilet paper, turning Harry's face so that he could wipe his mouth, then tossed the toilet paper into the toilet. "Come on, let's go wash your hands and maybe splash some water on your face, love."

Once Harry rinsed his mouth out with water and then washed his hands, he noticed that he was feeling better despite the fact his throat was still hurting. "I think I'm fine now," Harry said completely honestly and then looked over at Louis as he dried his hands with paper towels. " I'd feel better if I had a piece of gum though."

"I've got some in my bag." Louis chuckled lightly and then looked over Harry's face. "You sure you're feeling better? I mean, you should probably go to the nurse and have them call your mum." Louis shrugged his shoulders and Harry only shook his head.

"I've got a quiz next period." Harry reminded Louis softly. "I know I can take it when I come back to school, but I'd rather take it today. Besides, I feel fine now, Lou." Harry promised and then Louis nodded his head, deciding that this was Harry's choice.

"Alright, love. Let's go back to the cafeteria then? I'll get you that piece of gum." Louis smiled and then reached over to take Harry's hand, walking out of the bathroom with him, not even caring if he got sick too.

The rest of the day had run relatively smoothly for Harry, he hadn't felt nauseous again and didn't feel as if he'd get sick again. Plus, his throat felt better after a while after drinking a bottle of water given to him by Niall. However, the bottle of water made him have to go to the bathroom to pee four times before the end of the school day, which Harry had never done before. The most he'd used the restroom a couple of times a day. However, most days he didn't chug a whole bottle of water, plus another one since he'd refilled it at the water fountain. 

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