chapter ten

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"We can't sleep in my room," Harry said softly as he sat his book bag by the door of his bedroom and then glanced over at Louis. "My mum will not be happy if she catches us cuddled up on my bed together."

"And the couch will be any different?" Louis asked with a small smile and then sat his bag down by Harry's and then shrugged his shoulders. "But fine, yeah. I'll go grab us a blanket." Louis said and Harry nodded his head before making his way back downstairs, sitting on the couch as Louis brought them a blanket. 

Louis lied with his back pressed against the back part of the couch and Harry cuddled close to him, letting Louis pull the blanket over the two of them before his arms were wrapped around Harry to hold him close. Even though Louis wasn't that tired, he didn't mind taking a nap if it meant he could cuddle with his boyfriend.

It didn't take long for Harry to fall asleep either. Only a few minutes, really. It took a while for Louis to fall asleep, but when he did he slept well, even if it was a little too warm cuddled under the blanket. In fact, he didn't wake up until there was a flash of what seemed like a camera, letting his eyes open to look up to see Gemma taking a picture of both Louis and Harry.

"Sorry, didn't realize flash was on." Gemma apologized before snapping a quick picture of them again. "Mum said that dinner was ready and I was coming to wake the two of you anyway." She said before walking away and going to the dining room.

Louis gently shook Harry awake and then kissed a gentle kiss to his cheek. "Love, your mum said dinner was ready," Louis said and then smiled whenever Harry finally opened his eyes.

Harry whined softly and then closed his eyes again before cuddling closer to Louis, Louis only laughing a little in response, letting Harry cuddle close for a few moments before trying to wake him again.

"I'm up, I'm up," Harry assured and then let out a small yawn before he stood up from the couch and waited for Louis before they walked to the dining room together, taking a seat at their normal spots.

"Oh, I should probably let my mum know I'm staying for dinner," Louis said softly before he pulled out his phone to send a quick text to his mother.

Harry's mum brought out their plates and then walked over to Harry, feeling his face with the back of her hand on his forehead and then his cheek. "Feeling alright, love?" Anne asked, concern in her voice as she looked over Harry's face. "You've never been one for naps." She pointed out and then went to sit at her place at the table.

"I was up late last night," Harry explained and then shrugged his shoulders. "I'm taking high school seriously." He said softly and then looked down at his food. "Studied for a test I had. Which, I made an 'A' on, by the way."

"Good job, honey." Anne smiled at her son and then nodded her head. "While I am proud of you for taking your studies seriously, you need to understand that sleep is important as well." She said and then looked down at her own food again as she continued to eat. 

"I know, mum," Harry assured softly. "Trust me, I will be sleeping fine tonight." He said and then glanced over at Louis. "After do my homework. Because someone forgot to remind me." He teased with a small smile.

"Oops, sorry," Louis said and then gave Harry a small smile before returning his focus to his food. "You just looked so tired. Figured you should get some sleep after a long day of schoolwork."

"I'll just... make us both do our homework before you have to leave," Harry said as he continued watching Louis. 

"Hm, if it weren't for you, I'd never do my homework." Louis chuckled lightly and then shrugged his shoulders. "Kidding, but you are a big help."

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