chapter twenty-three

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"Why do babies need so much?" Harry questioned as he paused the video and then looked over at Eleanor. "I mean... seriously. They're tiny and still require so much." He shook his head.

"Well, I mean, you don't have to get everything that every other parent gets, do you?" Eleanor asked as she looked over at Harry. "Realistically speaking, babies don't need all the things that the girl in this video listed. For now just worry about the main things, yeah? Diapers, wipes, formula, bottles... You know what? You shouldn't even worry about that right now. It's still early in your pregnancy."

"I know, but I just wanted an idea of what I needed to get. Before he or she is born." Harry replied and then shrugged his shoulders a little. "And figure out how I'm supposed to save up money to buy all this stuff. On my own, I mean. Just in case Louis doesn't want to... help."

"Louis isn't like that though," Eleanor said softly as she watched Harry. "I do think it's smart that you're trying to figure things out though. Now rather than later."

"Speaking of now rather than later, I was planning to tell him tonight," Harry admitted as he looked down at his laptop, at the paused video on his screen.

"Yeah?" Eleanor asked and then hummed softly. "How exactly are you planning to tell him?" She questioned curiously.

"I don't know. My plans haven't got that far yet," Harry said, laughing a bit nervously at the mere thought of telling his boyfriend the potentially relationship-ending news. Louis was his first boyfriend, the first guy he'd ever really fallen for. He'd had crushes on boys before Louis, but Louis always made him feel differently than the small crushes he'd had in the past. The thought of losing him was a scary one, but he understood that most high school relationships didn't last long anyway. Or so he's been told by his sister and warned by his mother.

Harry understood this, and yet he still felt like he and Louis could last. Or, they could have if this news hadn't sprung up on them so early in their relationship and so early in their lives. Still, Harry would never blame their child if they did decide to end things. It was his and Louis' fault for being way too careless, even after being warned by others that they were too young to understand the consequences of having such an adult relationship.

"Whatever happens, you'll be fine. If he decides to stay and help, that'll be amazing. But if he doesn't, you can't let that get to you, yeah? If you're serious about wanting to keep the baby, you can't let it get to you. You have plenty of people in your life who will support you and help you and... I'm one of them. Regardless if Louis stays or not, I'll always be around to help you, H." Eleanor promised and gave him a small smile. "Even if you did break my Easy Bake Oven and never apologized for doing so." She said, making Harry roll his eyes.

"You're going to hold that over me for the rest of our lives, huh?" Harry questioned and Eleanor only nodded her head in response before checking her phone and then standing up from the bed.

"Shit, I'm late," Eleanor explained and then put her phone in her pocket before rushing to pick up her bag. "Mum is going to kill me if we don't make it to Aunt Margot's house before lunchtime." She said and then rolled her eyes. "Send positive vibes my way. Three-hour car trips to my aunt's house aren't my favorite." She sighed and Harry only laughed. "Later, H. Call me later, yeah? Even if you don't tell him." She smiled and then walked over to press a kiss to Harry's cheek. "Love you, preggers." She teased before walking to his bedroom door, opening it and then left.

A few hours later, Harry had invited Louis over, still without a plan on how to tell his boyfriend about the tiny human currently growing inside of him. Gemma had Asher over and they were sitting downstairs on the couch watching films together, cuddling, talking, eating, arguing. Their mother was at work, much like always. But her two children understood better than anyone that their mother's worked benefited them and the people she was able to help. 

Harry was sitting in the love chair, watching the two older teens argue about whether mainstream movies or small festival type films were better. He remained quiet as he listened to them argue, while also watching the movie that was currently playing. It was some foreign film and he watched as he listened to the two teenagers playfully banter. 

Harry let Louis inside when the doorbell rang and then pulled him into a tight hug when he'd finally came inside, which Louis accepted and hugged Harry back. He didn't want to tell him yet, not when he'd just got here.

"Leave your door open, Harry," Gemma said in a teasing voice, mimicking their mother's, as she watched her younger brother and his boyfriend walk towards the stairs. She laughed when Harry ignored her and then went back to arguing with Asher.

"Let's watch our own movies, yeah?" Harry asked with a small smile as he closed his bedroom door behind the two of them and then walked over to his bed, taking a seat. "I promise we won't watch another chick flick." He said, which made Louis laugh a little before plopping himself onto Harry's bed. 

"I don't mind a chick flick if that's what you want to watch, Harold," Louis said as he glanced over at Harry from where he was lying on his back on Harry's soft bed while Harry stayed sitting up.

"You say that and then proceed to complain about the movie I pick," Harry said as he looked over at Louis and then chuckled lightly. 

"I said I didn't mind. Not that I wouldn't complain if we were to watch another chick flick. I made no promises." Louis chuckled and then shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just teasing. We can watch whatever you want and I solemnly swear I will not complain even a little bit." He said, placing his right hand on his chest playfully. "I can't promise I won't cringe though."

"You're hopeless." Harry chuckled and then picked up his laptop from his nightstand, turning it on and then logged into it, opening a new tab and then looked for a movie the two of them could watch together.

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