The rule

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Zak aka Skeppy couldn't believe what he heard.

The rule of YouTube on January 2020... DISASTER! Zak started to cry since he loved his adoring fans and all the friends he got from it.

If it is ruined what would happen? Zak being Zak would try to complain about this stupid rule to YouTube but he couldn't.

You see the government sued youtube for them 'brainwashing' kids. They think it's wasting part of their money and want it back.

Zak slammed his table. "UGH I HATE THIS RULE!" He chocked up then starting crying.

He heard a faint knock and faint voice. "Zak? Are you there? I heard yelling." Darryl said opening the door slowly

All Zak could do was just hug his knees on his bed and cry softly.

"wHy dOes iT hAvE tO bE tHaT?" Zak said trying to sound happy.

Unfortunately Darryl didn't really buy it.

"*sigh* you know we can just complain about it. Or make a new YouTube channel with no games." Darryl said.

Zak thought a moment before agreeing to just complain. So they walked to Darryl's car and drive to the youtube complain center (idk if it's a thing tbh)

"Oh hello Zak aka Skeppy and Darryl aka badboyhalo! What brings you here?" The kind lady said.

"Oh hello ma'am we are just gonna c- "COMPLAIN ABOUT THIS FUCKING RULE YOUR FUCKING COMPANY DID." Zak yelled at the lady. The lady was shock but Zak quickly apologized that he screamed which was fine for her.

"Oh that rule. Welp we all hate it but the government said so. Here have this paper of another app we will make soon. I have this to every youtuber since they tried to complain too." The lady at the counter said slipping a paper at them.

They looked at the paper and was happy. The name of the website was "social"

"Perfect! But do we get our subscribers there too?" Zak said looking at the lady.

The lady just smiled and nods at them. Before they left they thanked the lady and walked out the building.

They drove home happily.

———————Alternate ending ————————-

"Oh hello Zak aka Skeppy and Darryl aka badboyhalo! What brings you here?" The kind lady said.

"Hello Ma'am! We just came to complain about the rule." Darryl said.

"Oh another youtuber to complain? So what are you gonna do? The company is already shutting it down early." The lady at the counter said.

"ILL GIVE YOU 1000$" Zak said passing the money to her.

The lady just sighed and took it, then smiled.

"Congratulations Zak! You have saved the company. We were betting if a youtuber gives us 1000$ we would end the deal. Welp we won. I'll alert the people who work here." The lady said excitedly before running and yelling that the company is saved.

Darryl and Zak looked at each other and smiled. They walked to the car and drove home.

When they arrive Darryl said "your a hero Zak.
Thank you." Zak smiled and looked at him "we both are hero's."


aHa I made this when I was having a break on social apps! aHa I can't take it

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