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Did I spell it right? Idk
They are both assassins but works for different bosses

Zak's POV

I was in an alleyway, smoking some cigarettes. I was free today since my boss let me do whatever I want. I was mostly called the "favorite assassin" in this neighborhood, and the popular one too.

Smoking was usually the only thing that kept me alive actually. I started smoking when I was like 18. (DONT SMOKE)

My eyes caught on a figure walking through the alleyway. His green eyes were so bright it felt like it would bright a whole house. We didn't make eye contact... or he didn't.

I scoffed. 'Wow didn't even bother to say hi.' I thought. The guy somehow say me scoff and turned to me. I shivered because bis eyes were deadly looking at me. He started to walk up to me.

"It's not nice to scoff at people y'know?" He said smoothly. I just stared at him dead eye. "So? I can scoff at people all I want." I said with a sign of sas. He laughs and started to back away. "Ok ok! My name is Darryl. Pleasure to meet you." He introduced putting his hand out to shake.

"My name is Zak. The pleasure is all mine." I said shaking his hand. We talked about everything. Like Houses, bosses, friends, parents, etc.

It was soon to be night time. I yawned. He seem to noticed. "Sleepy?" He asked. I nodded.

We decided to go to his house to sleep. While he was sleeping I was just on the couch next to his bed. Sooner or later I got a new message.

              Boss 🤢🤮😡

Hey we have a new target for you.

Fine who is it?

It's ########


Hello! This took longer then expected due to things.... I'm barely gonna write due to the lack of sleep I'm getting.

Might not make a part 2? Should I? I have no idea...

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