Boyfriend of the Playboy pt 2

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Finally the week had come. They can start working on the project which both are excited for. The week they were given for preparation none of them talked about it. Cause jin was shy to start a conversation while taehyung was nervous.

"Sorry students I would really like to give u time to do the work in classtime but you know our portions isn't completed as planned so I can only give an hour today. Rest you need to work after class hours." Instead of hearing many 'no's. It was all 'yaay'. Actually no one really liked to work on the project during class hours. Taehyung was mentally cheering thinking he and jin can spend time alone. Same was for jin.

"So you guys can start working now"

Taehyung went towards jin and sat on the vacant chair. "Hey" he tried to start a conversation. He regretted for not talking the week before, if then, he could have removed the awkwardness between them now. "Um hi" jin greeted shyly. "So what do we do" taehyung asked not knowing what to say next. "I've searched for what to write. We could share it" jin said handing him some paper. "Okay"

They worked together that hour. Slowly the awkwardness between them reduced and both started talking freely.
"Jin, can I come to your house after this or will you come to mine to complete this project" jin's eyes widened by this. He never expected it to be at their house. "Oh I thought we could work on it in the library" Taehyung's face fell when he heard this. "Oops i can't come there. There is somewhere i want to go after class. And when ill be free, library would he closed." Their school usually ends at 4pm and library closes at 5pm. Taehyung lied about being busy.

"Oh its ok then. I will come to your house" jin said. He wasn't sure about bring taehyung to his house since his room is a whole mess and he needs to clean it. "OK cool " taehyung gave his boxy smile.


Jin went to taehyung's house that evening. He already mentioned his parents he would be late. He stood before the door of taehyung's house having an internal battle of whether to ring the bell or not. He was hesitant but anyways decided to ring the bell. Just as he was about to ring, the door opened and taehyung came out with a messy wet hair. "Why were you standing and not ringing?" He asked in a deep voice. Its sure that he came out from the shower. "Um I was about to ring then you opened." Jin said and lowered his head. He felt himself melting under the strong gaze of taehyung. "I heard sound of shoes screeching so I assumed you it might be you. Anyway come inside".

Jin walked in following taehyung. They sat at the couch. "So let's start" jin said taking out things required for their project. They talked for sometime and did their work. Taehyung was happy he was finally able to be friends with jin. He wanted to be friends with jin and know him well before asking him out. Jin isn't like others. Jin is his 'one and only' for him.


Months passed, both were now really close. Taehyung hasn't confessed yet but they get along really well. Anyone who sees them both sitting together can easily misunderstood them to be boyfriends. Also many where surprised seeing taehyung with the same guy for more than 2 months and also taehyung had changed a lot. He is never back to his playboy mode. He changed. Jin changed him...he is now a gentleman who is nice towards everyone.

Taehyung decided to confess to jin on their graduation day which was just a week away. Before that, all of them including jin's friends and his, arranged a graduation party.


Finally, it was the graduation day. Taehyung was feeling nervous. He never felt this way before. His heart was beating violently. He saw jin looking more handsome than ever. He could just stare at him the whole day. He asked jin to meet him after the function at the backstage. When jin came he asked for a walk. They both walked together holding hands.

"Where are we going?" Jin asked taehyung.
"I don't know. Let's just walk for sometime" taehyung tightened his grip on jin's hands.

Finally they stopped when they reached under a big tree. Both the boys stood in its shade. "Jin, there is something I want to tell you...I've been having this feelings since long but I wanted to make sure about it. Its that you're not like others. I don't want you to feel like that. I love you a lot. Very much. I don't know how to express what I feel for you. This is the first time I'm feeling this way. I want to hold you, cherish you, make you feel loved. You're so precious to me. I love you a lot jin. Can you be my boyfriend ?" Taehyung asked and looked at jin hopefully.

"I..I love you too taehyung. Ever since I first saw you...but I was afraid then...afraid to be one your time pass. Please don't break my trust tae...please don't leave me after this"

"Oh no jin. Never. I love you lots. You mean the whole world to me. I would never do anything in my life to lose you. Sorry if I made you feel so. I apologize for my behavior before I met you. Sorry I was an asshole. But I've changed now. Changed a lot. You made me a better person jin. You brings out the best in me. I love you jinnie"

"I love you too tae. And yes, I'll be your boyfriend" jin said with happy tears coming down his eyes.


After a year

Taehyung and jin were in New Zealand. They went to enjoy their vacation together. They both joined the same college and took the same course, rented an apartment together and is now living a happy life. They are now currently sitting before a lake and no one is around them.

"I love you lots tae. After 5 yrs, I want us to come here again and I want to scream to the world 'I have the best boyfriend in the world' " jin said happily holding tightly to taehyung.

"Why not now?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"Cause I wanna see how well you're keeping your promise" jin said still smiling.

"Hmm...brave of you to assume you're still gonna be my boyfriend then" jin's smile dropped when he heard that. He loosened his hands from taehyung body. But taehyung kept him still and hold into him more tightly.

"While I'm already planning to make you my husband soon" taehyung said and planed a kiss on jin's forehead. Jin was in a shock. It took him some time to process what he just heard. 'Did he just said he's gonna marry me soon' jin's eyes shined because of happiness. He hugged taehyung close to him. "I love you a lot".

"I think I should scream it now cause after 5 yrs, I'll be having a husband" jin said and placed his lips on taehyung's.


Sorry but I didn't liked this story that much...I was actually planning to delete it but when I took i saw it had 300+ reads. So I then decied not to since many read that already

Anyway I hoped the end is good.
Also I'll be updating this book whenever I strike this ideas so no worries

I just published a new jinkook book


"A story of destined lovers

Jungkook and jin is born after 800 yrs because of their unfilled love in the past life...everything is same except they doesn't remember anything about their past.....

They face many challenges..can their love overcome it all?"

Checkout if interested. Actually it took a month to figure out this story (I wasn't able to post the pic of intro so just copy pasted)


Thanks for 1.8k votes😭

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