Epiphany // Jinkook

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(The school system i don't know well about Korea so I'm taking the system in India which is 1st grade to 12th grade. 11th and 12th is like high school and we'll most probably 18 or 17 when we complete 12th..so yeah thats all)


Kim Seokjin is an introvert who is actually an extrovert when he's with his bestfriends. They're Namjoon and Hoseok. He had been nursing a fat crush on his senior Jeon Jungkook. But he knows that jungkook doesn't even know he exists.

Jungkook is an 11th grade student. Jin knows him since he is in 8th grade. But he never had this crush until now. He's now in 10th grade. He knows that jungkook will never like him back. He already had a boyfriend. Jungkook is bi so he had girlfriends too but that's very rare. Currently, his boyfriend was kai who was from 10th grade but in a different section from Seokjin.

None of jin's friends knew about his crush. Its not a crush actually he likes jungkook. Jin didn't wanted to be judged. He had never been in a relationship before nor anyone was interested in him. It was the first time he is feeling something towards someone. But he was afraid to even speak to him.

Jin and jungkook came from the same place. Thats what Jin knows cause he always sees jungkook in the bus he goes. Jungkook will be already in the bus when he gets in. So he didn't knew which stop he really is. Maybe a few stops before his.

His crush for jungkook was increasing day by day that he was now in a situation that he'll die if he didn't atleast talk to him. He didn't wanted jungkook to breakup with his bf and be with him. He only wanted to be friends with him...nothing more

It was the annual day in school. Jungkook and his friends danced and it was awesome. Jimin, taehyung and yoongi were jungkook's bestfriend. They were like sticked together. He have never seen one of them alone in the school. The only times he sees jk alone is when they walk to school. The school has a walking distance of 5 min from the bus stop and jungkook and jin will be the only ones of the school in the bus cause it was the last bus to reach the school before the last bell and they both didn't liked to be early to class. Even though, they never talked to each other. Jungkook will walk faster than jin as if avoiding him. And jin never had the courage to talk first...

It was late night when the annual day was complete. Jungkook and his gang's performance was the best. But after that, the group was nowhere to be seen.
Jin and his friends were walking back to the bus stop after the programmes. When they were walking, he saw jk and his friends standing near the wall of the school. They were laughing and talking something.

Soon they reached the place where they were. They need to pass them to go to the stop. While passing, jin peeked to look at jk. He saw jk was also looking at him. He blushed but thankfully no one saw it cause it was night.

Soon they reached the stop. There was no bus for him. It was around 10 when he reached the stop. He was starting to get afraid. Joon and hobi already went cause their bus came and it was the last bus to their place. So hesitantly they left jin.

The place was dark and no one was around. Jin was afraid of darkness and getting alone. He was once lost when he was younger and he stayed beside his car until his parents found him. It was night and especially dark and he was all alone. It left a trauma in his mind. So he was always afraid of it.

He heard sounds of bikes coming from the way from his school. He thought it was some kidnappers. He prayed to God to save him. He opened his eyes and saw jimin and taehyung in one bike and jk and yoongi in another with yoongi riding in the front. They were few meters away from jin that he can hear if they say anything. He hoped jk will stay..

"Jungkook bro I'll drop you to your house" yoongi said to jk. Jin's heart ached hearing it. He thought he wasn't all alone in the night till the bus comes.
"No, I'll take the bus. You can go" jk said and get of the bike. They bid bye and the other three went to their home.

Jk stood few distance away from jin. He was leaning towards a pole at the stop. Jin was just standing awkwardly there. He still couldn't believe his crush decided to stay because he didn't wanted him to be alone. He wanted to dance due to happiness. His heart was beating fast and he became afraid if jungkook will hear it.

Jin badly wanted to strike a conversation but jk was standing too far from him. He didn't wanted to have a bad impression by going near and talking and made himself feel like some pervert. So he just stood there doing nothing and occasionally checking his watch and eyeing jungkook without him knowing....little did he knew jungkook's heart was beating fast too



There will be 1 or 2 more part...I'm not sure about more.
Actually I wanted to make this a book but I was too lazy to write so a oneshot with few chapters will do..

I hope you'll checkout my new jinkook book...

Thanks for reading

Love ya❤

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