Truth Pt 2. final part

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Jin was really shocked to know he's pregnant. He decided to keep the baby since the baby didn't done anything wrong to him. He loved his baby. Jungkook promised to help him through his pregnancy. Jin was so happy to get a brother like him. He always wanted to know how does it feels to have a sibling since he was a single child. Now with Jungkook, he's experiencing the feeling of having a younger brother.

He tried calling taehyung cause he had the right to know he's gonna be a father. But taehyung is still not taking the call. Also he is not active on the social medias. Jin thought taehyung is intentionally doing all those to avoid them. Little did he know what happened to taehyung.

3 months have passed. Jin went to work in a cafe. He doesn't wanted to burden Jungkook. He won't be able to go to work after he reached 8 months. So he's trying be help jk when he's able to even though jk don't want him to work.

The baby bumb has started to grow bigger. Both jin and jk went to checkup to know the gender. They were so happy when they knew a princess is gonna come to their home soon. Yes, it's a girl! Jin remembered how taehyung always tells he wanted a daughter when they will he having a child..but now taehyung is not with him to share the happiness.

Months passed. Jin is now 7 months. His baby bumb got bigger. He's gets tired so fastly but still he went to work. Jk was constantly trying to get him to stop working. After lecturing jin for a couple of hours by jk, he decided to stop working. But he still asked go to work for one more week and jk agreed.

Jin pov

One more week and after that I'll be saying bye to my job. I thought while walking towards the cafe. Since, it's my last week, I'll try to make the best out of it. I will try some of my secret recipes. And I'm sure everyone will like it cause taehyung likes it so much.

I reached inside the cafe and changed into my uniform. I started taking orders. I will make my recipe in the afternoon. Actually my job is at the counter and not the kitchen but I love to make my secret recipe to them atleast once.

I was taking orders, then I saw a familiar man standing at the queue. Its jimin! One of taehyung's close friends. I want to ask him about taehyung. Is he doing well. Did he found another person to replace me already...I was busy thinking that I didn't noticed the customer standing in front of me. He cleared his throat and I quickly asked his order.

Finally, jimin reached. He was busy in his phone. He looked up from his phone to place the order but was shocked to see me. I expected it.

"Hey, jin"
"Hello Jimin ssi. What would you like to order. "
"Why are you acting like a stranger jin"
"No, first give me the order, then we can talk" I pointed towards the corner of the cafe where there is a bench for two. "Okay" he placed his order and went there.

I asked one of the worker to look after the counter and went to jimin to give his order. He was surprised cause he saw my pregnant belly. People can't see it when I'm at the counter.

"Here is your order sir"
"Jin first of all, don't be so formal. You can call me jimin"
"People change jimin ssi. Me too. Pain make a person change"
"Jin why are you here anyways. We looked for you everywhere at Daegu and you're PREGNANT!!!"
"Yes, I'm pregnent. Why would you look for me. Afterall, taehyung left me. Anyways how is he"
"Jin, there is something you didn't know"
"I know everything jimin. He doesn't want me anymore. Finally he realized his mistake and left me."
"No no no, it's not that. Believe me. He loves you so much. He's still waiting for you. You know what, the fi.." I cut him off.
"Enough jimin. Don't try to convince me he loves me. It's over. He didn't came. He left me."

"Jin, it's not like what you think"
"Please stop this. I don't want to"
"Whatt!!!!!!" I was shocked. Tae was in coma..what happened to him.
"Yes jin. He was coming to the station that day and got in an accident. He was seriously injured and was in coma. He just woke up 2 months ago. And the first thing he asked after waking up is about you. We searched for you everywhere is Daegu. He lost his phone. So we couldn't contact you. I went to your parents to ask about you, but when I reached there, i understand they didn't knew you were missing. So i didn't asked for your number."

𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐉𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐉𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐎𝐎𝐊 | 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora