Epiphany // Happy ending

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Actually the story ended in the last part...but this is for those who said they want happy ending... well I made jk a little bit good character cause why not..😇


From that day onwards their chatting reduced. Seokjin stopped messaging first. Jungkook used to text first for few weeks but eventually that came to an end.....this marked the end of their friendship.....


Jungkook, popularly known as the playboy of the school. But he is a shy guy. If you ask how he gets into relationships its that others confess to him. He being the kind hearted guy, accepts it. But he never been in more than 1 relationship at a time. He was handsome and was also popular for that.

Even though he had been in a lot of relationships before, he never felt any bit of love in those. Usually it would be him acting along with what his partner was doing.

But with jin, it was different. Eventhough they weren't in a relationship, he felt a longing in his heart for that junior. He had seen jin several times, after all, they gets in the same bus everyday. He knows jin's stop. He used to watch jin getting out from bus and walking to his street. He used to watch when jin enters the bus, how breeze gently touches his hair, how jin used to get up from his seat when an elderly person comes. He used to watch everything. He was oblivious of the feelings he had started to feel for jin.

He saw jin was alone that day after their performance. He actually thought about asking yoongi to drop him at his house but when he saw jin all alone standing at the stop at night trembling in fear. He felt the need to be with him and protect him. That's why he said yoongi that he will take the bus. But he denied it when jin asked him about it. He wanted to start a conversation with him but he was too shy to say something first. He is not good at initiating conversations first.

When jin started texting him, he was actually happy. He enjoyed his company. He first thought jin was like the others who text him to confess they likes him. But jin was different. He just wanted friendship, nothing more. But after few days, jk was upset cause jin was still saying nothing to him...what was he expecting wasn't coming.

When Jimin found out that jin had a crush on him, he was happy. He doesn't know why but he was very excited for the next days hoping if jin would confess. When his friends made fun of jin in front of cafeteria, he felt bad but he didn't done anything to stop it. Later he felt mad at himself for doing nothing. He apologized to jin for their behavior.

Everything was going smoothly between them. Unknown to jk, he started developing feelings for jin which is not as a friend. He wanted to be more than friends but he never asked him out and waited for jin to do it first but it never happened.

It took all his courage to admit jin that he had a crush on him but jin didn't believed it. So he decided to don't ask anything about it later. All these time, he was already in a relationship with kai. But he totally forgot about kai when he started talking with jin. Jin was awesome. He made jk feel things he never felt before. He wanted to love and cherish him forever. Finally he discovered his feelings for jin. He understood he loves him. He at once broke up with kai. Well they weren't talking  for few months already but he did that for a formality.

Now he wanted to confess. It would really be the first time he is confessing. But he wanted to do it cause it was jin. The first boy whom he loved truly. He admitted his feelings to his friends. They promised to help him. That's how they texted jin pretending to be jk and said confessed. But jk went in panic when jin didn't replied.  He thought he lost jin. He wanted to rewind time and never confess but the damage is already done. So as soon as jin replied at night, he said it was his friends. He felt it was the right thing to do that time but after sometime he realized the mistake  he had done. Jin will think he played with his feelings. He wanted to just disappear from the world that time.

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