Chapter 19

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'Aria!' Anna said abruptly for the third time, trying to snap me out of my daydreams.

'What?' I asked in a confused tone, unsure of where I was for a split second.

'You were daydreaming,' Anna replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the whole world. 'For the fifth time in the last five minutes!'

'A daydream for every minute,' I laughed dreamily. I couldn't help it. I had fallen for Eddie.

'You met someone, didn't you?' Anna verified knowingly. The sides of my mouth turned ever so slightly to confirm her judgement. 'So, who is he?'

'He's called... Eddie,' I began.

'What does he look like?' She excitedly questioned me further.
I smiled as she stared at me for an answer

'Well... he's got this golden blonde, silky hair,' I dreamily described. 'and these beautiful, blue eyes-'

'Thawne?' Anna interrupted, her voice changed. 'Eddie Thawne?' She wasn't happy or excited for me anymore. She sounded worried. Concerned. Grave.

'How do you know him?' I wondered hesitantly, anxious of what she might say.

'I used to go to Middle School with him,' Anna explained. 'And high school too. Back home I live in Keystone City, where Eddie lives too. But his family aren't... the most popular with the rest of the town. Not since his dad became Senator and closed down the local factory many of the people in Keystone depended on to live.'

'So, his dad's not a nice guy, what's the big deal?' I asked impatiently. I liked Eddie, and just because of this problem his dad created, Anna was... worried for me. It didn't make any sense.

'He was bullied. A lot.' Anna continued.

'Yeah, I already knew that,' I said, matter-of-factly.

'He's vulnerable,' Anna said.

'He opened up to me,' I retaliated. 'Yes, he may be vulnerable, but he trusted me.'

'That's the thing, Aria,' Anna exclaimed. 'He wants someone close to him, to depend on. He's fragile, and he needs support from anyone he can. He needs love.'

'You used to date him, didn't you?' I challenged Anna. Was this sincerity for my well-being, or jealousy from an old girlfriend? I was certainly suspicious.

'Yes,' Anna said hastily after a while.

'Why did you-' I started, feeling empathy towards Anna. She clearly had a history with Eddie, that had changed her emotionally.

'Break up?' She finished my sentence, knowing what I was going to say. 'We did. And I was the one who... finished the relationship. It was all too... much. The constant need for me to be there for him. Day and night. I just couldn't... cope.' Tears were forming in her eyes now, her emotions kicking in. Immediately hugging and comforting her, I smiled and handed her a tissue.

'Thank you for caring,' I thanked her sincerely. 'And don't worry, if things escalate, I'll make sure Eddie knows.'

'Make sure you do,' Anna advised. I took the relationship too far before I.. we... split up. I was stupid. Delusional.'

'You were just too nice to break up with him,' I reassured her, hugging Anna again. 'And he was just looking for too much love.'

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