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CARTER sat down in the Impala. "We need to talk to Lucas now before Bill does something bad." She told them. "What makes you say that?" Sam frowned. "He's acting like my dad did before the sudden drop and a sudden stop," Carter muttered, referring to his death. Sam and Dean looked at each other. "He--?" Sam began. "Can we get this over with? Please?" Carter mumbled. "Yeah...yeah, let's go." Dean started the car.

Carter opened up her father's journal; a common thing for hunters to have apparently. Only her father was less vague on the monsters out there and more of the ones in his head. Dean looked at her through his rearview mirror. "You wanna talk about it?" He questioned. "What is there to talk about, Dean? How my best friend hung himself while I was asleep and left me to find the body? It's nothing. Can we drop the subject?" She requested, flipping a page.

"Okay," Dean muttered. He pulled into Andrea Barr's driveway and they got out. Dean pulled Carter into a hug before she could walk away. Dean wasn't a big fan of sentimental moments, to say the least. He'd describe them as chick flick moments and try to ignore whatever was going on. He knew Carter was hurting, making all of his little annoyances evaporate. All that mattered was her being okay.

Dean placed a kiss on her head and they walked to the door. Sam nudged Dean's shoulder and smirked. The door opened and Andrea let them in.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea." She told them. "Please, Mrs. Barr. We just need to talk to him. Just for a couple of minutes." Carter pleaded. "Andrea, we think more people might get hurt. We think something's happening out there. This isn't just accidental drownings and you know it. Please. We just need to talk to Lucas." Sam told her. She finally accepted and Dean and Carter walked up to his room.

"Hey, Lucas." Carter greeted, sitting down in front of his papers and crayons. Dean sat down beside her. "You know, I, uh, I wanted to thank you for that last drawing. But the thing is, we need your help again." Dean told him. "You're an amazing artist, bud. How'd you know to draw this house though?" Carter asked. "Maybe a nod?"

"You're scared. It's okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom-I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too." Dean told him. Lucas dropped his colored pencil and handed him a piece of paper. It was a picture of a white church, a yellow house, and a boy with a blue baseball cap and a red bicycle in front of a wooden fence.

"Thank you, Lucas," Carter said. She patted his shoulder and left.


Sam, Dean, and Carter sat in the motel room. Dean and Carter were on their bed, Carter resting her head on Dean's shoulder, and Dean reading his father's journal. Carter was on the verge of falling asleep when Sam told them he found the address of the church. "Pretty sure you got drool on me, Sleeping Beauty," Dean remarked. "I wasn't sleeping. Not yet anyway." Carter told him. "Good. Get up." He replied.

"Just let her sleep." Sam sighed. "What? I'm not gonna leave her here." Dean scoffed. "I'll be fine. I grew up a hunter, it's not like I can't handle myself." Carter assured. Dean got up and pulled his jacket onto his body. "Stay here, don't die." He advised. "No promises," Carter remarked.

She went to sleep as soon as they left and awoke what seemed like a second later. "We have to go," Sam said. "Huh?" She groaned. "Bill Carlton is dead. The sheriff told us to book it." He explained. Carter rubbed her head and sat up. "How---"

"He went onto the water. The boat flipped. Let's go." Dean summarized. "He knew what he was doing," Carter muttered, standing up. She put things in her bag and got into the backseat of the Impala. Sam and Dean followed her movements and they were on the road in no time. "So the case is closed? Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Carter asked.

"You should have been there, that's what!" Dean shouted. "What?" Carter scowled. "You should have been there, Carter, and you weren't! Newsflash: You don't get a lot of sleep in this job!" Dean continued. "You think I knew when all of this was gonna happen?" She challenged.

"You said so yourself, didn't you? You said you saw what you saw in your father before he committed and now--" Dean said. "Stop the car, Dean," Carter told him. He parked on the side of the road and she jumped out of the car. Dean and Sam jumped out and Carter shoved Dean so his back was against the Impala. "Never talk about my father, Winchester. Don't blame me for Bill's death. You don't think I feel guilty enough already? Shove that boo-hoo crap up your ass because I have enough of it." Carter threatened, pinning his wrists to the car with her own.

Dean stared at her, guilt sinking into his heart. "Carter---" He began. "Forget it. Let's go." She let him go and got back into the car.

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