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SHE laid on a mattress in the guest room of Bobby's home with Flynn by her feet and a beer bottle by her head. She had arms wrapped around her waist and a beautiful dream inside of her head. Nothing could ruin this moment except for...

"Wake up, bitches, it's time to roll!"

Carter nearly fell off the bed. She threw a pillow at Dean. "Come on, we have decapitated people to look at!" He replied, throwing the pillow at Sam. "I'm up, I'm just ignoring you." He mumbled. "You have five minutes before I dump water on you two," Dean warned, walking away. Carter groaned and laid back down.


"Woo, listen to her purr!" Dean yelled, putting his foot on the gas pedal of his Impala. "You know, if you two wanna get a room, just let me know, Dean." Sam joked. "Oh, don't listen to him, Baby. He doesn't understand us." Dean frowned, petting the dashboard. "You're in a good mood." Carter laughed. "Got my car, got a case, things are looking up," Dean shouted. "Wow. Give you a couple of decapitated heads and a pile of dead cows and you're walking on the Sun. I'll keep that noted." She snickered. "How far to Red Lodge?" Dean asked. "300 miles," Sam replied. "Good." Dean stomped on the gas pedal.

Carter was surprised they didn't die. Dean stopped at a restaurant and they got their usual breakfasts, then hit the road once again. He wasn't waiting. The boys went into the sheriff's office and eventually got caught in their lie when they forgot the "newspaper" they worked for. They went to the morgue next and looked at the body of one of the murder victims.

They put on gloves and Carter handed Dean a box from in between the victim's legs. "Happy Easter! I got you a head." She joked. He cringed and opened the lid. "Well, no pentagram. Maybe we should, uh, you know, look in her mouth, see if those wackos stuffed anything down her throat. You know, kinda like the moth in Silence of the Lambs." He observed. "Tag, you're it." Carter poked Sam, pushing him towards the head. "What? No." He gagged. "Wuss," Dean muttered. Sam scoffed and opened the mouth. "Dean, get me a bucket." He said. "What? You found something?" His brother responded. "No, I'm gonna barf." Sam coughed.

"Scoot over, Sam," Carter told him. She lifted the girl's lip and pushed down on a hole above the normal set of teeth. "We got ourselves a vampire, boys." She told them, revealing the fang. "Well, this changes things," Dean murmured.


The three hunters sat down in front of the bartender. "How's it going?" Dean asked. "Living the dream. What can I get for you?" The man replied. "Three beers, please," Dean ordered. "We're looking for some people," Sam told him, slipping the man 50 dollars. "These people would have moved here about six months ago, probably pretty rowdy, like to drink..."

"Barker farm got leased out a couple of months ago. Real winners. They've been in here a lot - drinkers. Noisy. I've had to 86 them once or twice." The man told them, taking the money. "Thanks, man," Dean said. The bartender walked away. They drank their beers and headed out once again, but the vibe felt off. Carter tugged on Sam's arm and turned her head slightly. Someone was following them. "I think something's stuck to my shoe," Sam muttered, alerting his brother. Dean led them down an alley and they hid around the corner for the person to catch up.

Dean pinned the man to the wall with a knife to his throat. "Show us those pearly whites." He told the man. He had dark skin and was bald, yet had a mustache and looked very professional. "Oh, for the love of -- you want to stick that thing someplace else? I'm not a vampire." The man scowled. "What do you know about vampires?" Carter questioned. "How to kill them. Now seriously, bro. That knife's making me itch." The man said. Carter lifted his lip and they let him down once they saw he was fangless.

Once they established they were all hunters, they followed Gordon to his car. "Sam and Dean Winchester. I can't believe it. You know I met your old man once? Hell of a guy. Great hunter. I heard he passed. I'm sorry. It's big shoes. But from what I hear you guys fill 'em. Great trackers, good in a tight spot --"

"You seem to know a lot about our family," Dean commented. "Word travels fast. You know how hunters talk." Gordon chuckled. "No. No, we don't. So, did you check out that Barker farm?" Carter asked. "It's a bust. Just a bunch of hippie freaks. Though they could kill you with that patchouli smell alone...Listen, I got this one covered. Don't get me wrong, it's a real pleasure meetin' you fellas. But I've been on this thing for over a year. I killed a fang back in Austin, tracked the nest all the way up here. I'll finish it. I'm kind of a go-it-alone type of guy. But hey, I'll buy you guys a drink on the flip side." He got in his car and they watched him drive off.

"Yeah, he isn't getting away that easy." Carter scowled, walking to the car. Something was off about this man.


They watched Gordon attack a guy with a machete. The man extended his fangs and they began struggling near an electric saw, where the vampire turned it on, pinning Gordon down below it, nearly decapitating him until Sam pulled him to safety while Dean and Carter attacked the vampire. The vamp grabbed Carter, pinning her wrists, and bit her neck until she kneeled him between the legs. Dean dragged him off and pinned him under the electric saw. He lowered the saw, decapitating him. "So uh, I guess I gotta buy you that drink." Gordon breathed out.


Sam and Carter left the celebratory drinking session early. They had a bad feeling about Gordon and decided to stay away from him to ignore it. They ordered a pizza and turned on the TV. Carter showered and got out as the door shut. "Pizza's here," Sam told her. She got dressed and sat down on the bed. "You should shower, Sam. You smell like dirt." Carter told him. He laughed. "I'll get on that after I'm done eating." He promised. She scrunched her nose. "Six feet apart, earthworm."

"Earthworm?" Sam scoffed. She nodded. Sam put the pizza down and nodded, making her put her guard down. As Carter let her hair out of a towel and began scrunching it, Sam tackled her. His plan backfired, considering they rolled off the bed. Carter sat up, straddling Sam. "Your plan backfired." She hummed.

"Not really." He shrugged with a smirk. Carter leaned down so their lips nearly touched. Her minty breath hit his and she leaned towards his ear. "Nice try." She whispered, sitting back up. She got up and began walking towards the kitchen when arms wrapped around her waist and carried her towards the bathroom.

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