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"It's a sign of the apocalypse."


Carter sat up quickly, gripping her head as she remembered Bobby's words. Dean's arms were wrapped around her waist. She ran her hand through her hair and looked around, her eyes falling onto Castiel, who stood beside Sam's bed. "Hello, Carter." He greeted. "Thanks for scaring the ever-living shit out of me, Castiel. What's up?" She mumbled. "Hey, go back to sleep," Dean grumbled, his grip tightening as he rested his head on her lap. "Sit up, D. We got company." She told him.

Dean peeked an eye open and clenched his chest when he saw the angel. "Hello, Dean. What were you dreaming about?" Castiel asked. "What, do you get your freak on by watching other people sleep? What do you want?" Dean whispered loudly. "Listen to me. You have to stop it." Castiel warned. He pressed two fingers onto Dean's temple, sending him into a comatose state for the time being. "What did you do, Cas?!"' Carter questioned, nudging Dean slightly before Castiel pressed his fingers onto her forehead as well.


Carter opened her eyes cautiously and looked around. The world seemed brighter and...older. She was in a familiar place, yet she didn't quite know where until spotting a newspaper that said Lebanon, Kansas, 1973 on it. "What the fuck, Castiel?" She muttered, walking around until seeing Dean across the street. "Dean!" She called, running across the road, nearly getting hit. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug with relief.

"What's going on? I just woke up on a bench!" He told her. "We're in Lebanon. 1973." She informed. "Are you--- 1973?!" Dean scoffed. They walked into a diner and sat down beside a young man with brown hair and olive skin. Dean put his head in his hands and groaned. "How'd we get to Lawrence?" He asked. "Hey, you okay buddy?" The man frowned. "Yeah, rough night," Dean replied.

"Two coffees over here, Reg." The man ordered. Another walked in. "Hey, Winchester." He said to the man at the counter. "Good to have you home, John, damn good." He chuckled.

"Dad?" Dean muttered.

After leaving the diner, Dean went to follow his father when Carter grabbed his arm. "I think something's after your dad. Maybe that's why Cas sent us... Then why am I here?" She questioned to herself. "Come on." Dean walked out and she followed. They were about to turn a corner when they bumped into Castiel. "What the hell is this? Angels got their hands on some DeLoreans? How did I get here?" He questioned.

"Time is fluid, Dean. It's not easy, but we can bend it on occasion. " He replied. Carter's heart dropped. "Wait so, you can go back to any time. Right?" She questioned. "In theory." Castiel shrugged. "I have a date. A simple favor. Can you do it?" She requested. "Carter--" He began. "So what, is there something nasty after my Dad?" Dean interrupted. Castiel sighed and transported himself and Carter back to the present time. Carter sat up in the bed. "Castiel, it'll be a one-time th--"

"I know what you want to see. I can't take you back there. It's too risky-- You could see yourself and cause a disturbance in Time. I can, however, send you into a deep sleep with some of your favorite memories for the time being." He said. "Thanks, Cas."


"I don't know how to skate and I prefer to keep both of my ankles intact," Carter told her friends. Lucy laughed. "Okay, downer. Jess and I are gonna grab some snacks and fix her hair before Sam messes it up again." She snickered. "I'll be here," Carter muttered. She began untying her laces when a large shadow stopped in front of her. Sam gripped the rail tightly and smiled at her. "C'mon, Carter." He encouraged.

"I can't." She sighed. "I'll teach you." Her friend offered.

When she stepped onto the wooden floor, Carter nearly fell. Sam grabbed her wrists to help her balance. "Follow my lead, C. Look." He told her, beginning to shift his feet and let go. "Okay, now you try." He laughed, swirling behind her. She began doing what he did, but once she let her guard down, she nearly fell. "Okay, Speedy." Sam grabbed her waist and stopped her. Carter inhaled sharply and he let go once she regained balance.

"C'mon! Food!" Lucy called.


"Dean, it's just a---"

"Don't you dare say it's just a scratch. You're bleeding like Niagra Falls." Dean muttered angrily, carrying her to the back of the Impala. He sat her down and grabbed a First Aid kit from the glove compartment. "Let me see your arm, Carter." He said, unclipping the box. She held it out and Dean put disinfectant on a rag. "Dean, seriously, I'm fine." She laughed.

Dean ignored her and began patting her arm to disinfect the wound she gained from attacking a vamps nest. "Ow, Dean!" She grunted. He smirked slightly. "Oh get your head out of the gutter." Carter smacked him with her other arm and he wrapped a bandage around the bleeding one. "What, are you gonna kiss it all better now?" She remarked.

Dean rolled his eyes and stood between her legs. "Better?" He questioned.

"Better. Thanks, Winchester." She smiled.


Carter sat up quickly, an instinct telling her something was wrong. Sam was gone.

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