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SAM decided not to use his new abilities anymore, but that didn't stop Carter's bitterness. It had been a few weeks since then and the group was now investigating a series of heart attacks. They stood with a coroner who was dealing with Frank O'Brien, a victim. He was perfectly healthy, 44 years old, and a marathon runner. Now, the coroner was going to perform an autopsy in front of Sam, Dean, and Carter.

"Hey, hand me those rib cutters, would you?" The coroner asked Sam, who was squirming in place. Carter grabbed the cutters and handed them to the man and he began cutting the ribs. In any other moment, Carter would have grabbed Sam's hand to distract her from nausea and disgust, but she was still upset about what had happened. The next best thing was to grab Dean's hand, which she did. He squeezed her hand and traced circles with his thumb. "Married?" The coroner asked, cutting the body open a little more.

"Yeah, actually, 4 years," Dean smirked. "Where're your rings?" The man questioned. "We prefer not to wear them when we expect things like this--- Don't want bloody diamonds." Carter joked. "Speaking of rings, there's an imprint of a ring on Frank's hand. I didn't think he was married... Are these scratches?" She observed. "When you drop dead, you actually tend to drop. Body probably got scraped up when it hit the ground...Huh. I-I can't find any blockages in any of the major arteries." The coroner pulled the heart from Frank's body and Dean gagged.

His friend squeezed his hand and smiled slightly. "Heart looks pretty damn healthy. Hold this for a second, would you?" The coroner asked, placing the heart in Dean's hand. Sam smirked, finding it as a sweet revenge until the smirk was wiped off by blood spraying his face. "Spleen juice!" The coroner chuckled.


"Three victims, all with those same red scratches. All went from jittery to terrified to dead within 48 hours." Sam connected. "There's no way that was a heart attack, so what scared him to death? Ghosts, vampires, chupacabra? It could be a hundred things." Carter thought out loud. "Yeah. So, we make a list and start crossing things off." Sam sighed. "Alright, who's the last person to see Frank O'Brien alive?" His brother asked. "Uh, his neighbor, Mark Hutchins," Sam said.

Dean paused on the sidewalk. "I don't like those teenagers." He muttered, looking at the kids by the Impala. "Dean...they're like 13. What are they gonna do?" Carter questioned. "Rob us!" Dean whispered, walking across the street. Carter and Sam looked skeptically at one another.


"Did you speak to Frank recently? Did he seem different? Scared?" Sam asked. "Kinda like how our partner is acting," Carter joked, glancing at Dean. He glanced everywhere at the reptiles in Mark's trailer. "Oh yeah, he was freaked. Frank thought witches were out to get him." The man answered. "Witches?" Carter repeated. "Well, "Wizard of Oz" was on tv the other night, right? And he said that green bitch was totally out to get him. But everything else scared him. Al-Qaeda, ferrets, artificial sweetener. Those Pez dispensers with their dead little eyes. Lots of stuff." Mark described.

"What was Frank like, Mr. Hutchin?" Carter questioned. "I mean, he's dead, you know? I-I don't want to hammer him but, he got better...In high school, he was a dick. Like a bully. I mean, he probably taped half the town's butt cheeks together. Mine included."

"Okay, uh, that sucks. Er, so anything else? Was Frank married or had any connections?" Carter sighed. "She died about 20 years ago. Frank was really broken up about it--- Oh, don't be scared of Donny." Mark chuckled, looking at Dean. "My husband has always had a thing with snakes. Little bit of a wimp." Carter smirked. Dean glared. "He's a sweetheart. It's Marie you got to look out for. She smells fear." Mark continued. An albino snake came over the couch and moved down Dean's leg.

"Honey, honey, dear, baby, babe, wife, please get Marie. Please get Marie--- Please!" Dean begged. Once she was done laughing, Carter put Marie on her own shoulder.


"Carter! Carter, I could drown! The bathtub could collapse through four floors. Carter!" Dean screeched from the motel shower. "Sam, call Bobby tomorrow so we can figure out what's happening. Please?" She asked, standing up and walking towards the bathroom. "Yup," Sam murmured. Carter walked into the bathroom. "Great, uh, see now that I'm haunted---" Dean began. "Dean-O, we don't know what's happening. Calm down, I'm sure you're fine." She told him. "Okay, well I don't wanna die yet so can you stay in here in case a ghost decides to attack me while I'm butt-naked?" He asked. Carter rolled her eyes but obliged.

When Dean was finally asleep, Carter crawled from the bed and grabbed a bottle of beer. She sat beside a window, the curtain barely peeled back yet revealing a stream of moonlight that fell on her hair. Sam rolled over and looked at her; the brown highlights in her hair, her green eyes, and pale skin which glowed. The glass twisted around the table and she pondered on things.

Her eyes moved towards Sam. "Want a drink, Winchester?" She questioned. "Yeah, uh, that'd be great." He replied, sitting up. Carter grabbed another bottle and handed it to her friend, then sat down in front of him. "So, uh, what do you think is going on with Dean?" He murmured. "I don't know... I'm worried about him though. I mean, when did he care about speed limits or teenagers before? Hell, we think of points to earn by running annoying ass jaywalkers over." Carter whispered. Sam chuckled.

"Going with the married thing again? Weird." He shrugged. "What do you mean? We used to pretend to be married all of the time." Carter replied. "Yeah, well it's not how it used to be. You hooked up with him, you dated me, we--we went through an awkward phase a-and--" He rambled. "Sam, just say you're jealous and move on." She smirked, finishing her bottle. "I'm jealous, okay? I like you, Carter, and it's annoying that you're letting this partnership between Ruby and I get between that." He confessed.

"I liked you too, Sam, and it's not your partnership that I'm annoyed with. It's the way that you went behind my back with her, kissed her, and probably did more than that. You never told me. Hell, if you did, we'd probably be having rainbows shooting from our asses and live in the fucking Glorious Land of Oz. I would have even heard you out about this whole ordeal and how it's happening, but I can't do that when all I picture right now is a two-faced liar." She told him. "I know. I'm sorry." Sam muttered. Carter didn't reply. She put her drink down and laid back down beside the oldest Winchester.

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