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"JUST take your kids to the movies or somethin' and it'll be over by the time you get back," Missouri assured the young mom. When Jenny and her kids left, she turned to Carter and her friends. "This is gonna get ugly real fast." She warned them. She gave them things to put into the walls and the group separated.

Sam went into the living room and kneeled by the wall, then began using the end of the hammer to hit against the wallpaper. He placed the bag of purifier in the wall, not noticing a plug on the other side of the room taking itself out of the outlet. Meanwhile, Carter smashed a hole into Jenny's wall and dropped the herbs into it. A purse flew from a rack and wrapped itself around her throat, tightening it before she could wrap her fingers into the hole.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Dean was punching the wall with a small ax, and in the basement, Missouri brought a bag full of herbs to the wall. She heard a noise and turned around to see a table coming toward her and screamed as it pinned her against the wall. Dean spun around and ducked just as a knife hurled itself into a cabinet. He placed a table in front of himself as more knives come through it. When the battle was over, Dean saved Sam from being strangled and they split up to look for Carter and Missouri.

"Carter?!" Sam shouted, running upstairs. He ran into the room and saw Carter lying unconscious on the floor, the purse still strangling her. Sam sliced the handle of the purse off and took it off of Carter. "Hey hey hey." He shouted. Carter was unresponsive.

"Dean!" Sam yelled, checking for a pulse. Thankfully, Carter still had one. Dean scrambled into the room and Sam began CPR. Carter sat up, gasping. Sam let out a heavy sigh of relief and Carter laid in his arms, trying to catch her breath. "I hate ghosts." She said.

Carter began cleaning the kitchen when Jenny returned. "Don't you worry. Dean's gonna clean up this mess...Well, what are you waiting for, boy? Get the mop." Missouri assured Jenny. "And don't cuss at me!" She shouted at Dean.


"I have a really bad feeling, okay? Just trust me." Carter told Dean. It was night time and the trio sat in the Impala, watching the old house for anything bad. Sam understood but Dean wasn't convinced. He slid into his seat and closed his eyes. When light snoring began, Carter stared intensely at a bedroom window. "I had a dream, Sam." She told him, just as Jenny ran to the window while screaming.

Carter slapped Dean and jumped out of the car, running into the home. "Grab the kids, I'll get Jenny!" Dean told Sam and Carter. The two split up and Carter ran into Ritchie's nursery. She carefully picked him up and held his head, then ran into the hallway and met Sam. "Take Sari!" He told Carter. "What about you?"

Sam kissed Carter's forehead and ran into the room as a distraction. Carter grabbed Sari's hand and ran down the stairs. Once outside on the lawn, where Jenny was, she handed Ritchie to his sister. "Dean, Sam's still in there," Carter told him. They sprinted back into the building and into the kitchen, where Sam was being forced against a wall. A figure on fire approached the group. Dean pulled out his gun. "No! Don't. I can see her now." Sam said.

The figure faded into Mary Winchester, revealing her blonde hair and a white nightgown that she had died in. Dean's expression softened and he put his gun away. "Mom?" He whispered. "Dean." Mary put her hand on his cheek and caressed it before walking over to Sam. "Sam...I'm sorry." Mary apologized. Sam smiled weakly. "For what?" He said.

His mother said nothing. Instead, she turned to the ceiling and began to arise back into her flames. "You get out of my house. And let go of my son." She demanded. She burst into flames and suddenly, Sam was dropping from the invisible hold. "Now it's over," Sam told Dean.


The next morning, Carter went out to buy supplies for Jenny's walls to rebuild. She also bought some juice for Ritchie. When she walked into the house, she saw Missouri, Sam, and Jenny going through old pictures and Dean sweeping and mopping. Carter put the juice in the refrigerator. "Wanna help me over here, dreamboat?" She asked Dean, handing him drywall. "That'd be great, but we have to go," Dean told her.

They walked towards the group of people. "Your mom's spirit and the poltergeist's energy, they canceled each other out. Your mom destroyed herself goin' after the thing." Missouri explained to Sam. "Why would she do something like that?" He wiped his eye. "Well, to protect her boys, of course." Missouri patted his shoulder. "I'll bring the pictures to the car," Carter said. "Thank you for everything, Missouri." She thanked Missouri. "You tell me if Dean causes any more trouble, now," Missouri said, glaring at the boy. "Of course I will."

Carter hugged the lady and began walking towards the door. "Ellis Page," Missouri yelled. Carter paused and then continued on her way out.

Ellis Page.


"Found her," Carter said, wiping tears from her cheeks. "That's your birth mom?" Dean smirked. Carter nodded. "Well, now we see where you get your looks from." He grinned. Carter nudged him. Ellis had dark brown hair and blue eyes. Her face was slim and covered in freckles, reminding Carter of pictures she had found in her dad's belongings. She always thought Ellis was a family friend. Apparently, she was wrong.

Carter looked at Dean. "We need to make a pit stop." She told him. "Where?" He urged. "My old house." She replied. Sam and Dean looked at each other. "No one lives there. It's a safe house now. My aunts use it whenever they need to hide from something." Carter commented. "Okay. Yeah, we can make a pit stop." Dean walked away and Carter looked at Sam.

"She died in a house fire."

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