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THE motel was dimly lit and cold, a combination Carter would adore if it were in a comfier room instead of a thin mattress and pillows that smelled like a library. Sam had gotten back in from a morning run and showered when Dean woke up. He made coffee and sat down at the table, about to fall asleep once again.

Sam walked out of the bathroom in a red and white flannel and blue jeans, a common outfit. He stretched his arms behind him. "Mornin'." He greeted his brother. "Shhhh..." Dean muttered. "Whatever. I'm starving. Wake up Carter so we can go eat." Sam replied.

Dean tiptoed to Carter's side and laid down next to her. She was laying on her stomach with her arms wrapped around a pillow. One leg was bent and the other was straight. Her hair was a complete mess yet still in a bun from the night before. "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. Rise and shine." Dean shouted.

Carter instinctively pulled a knife out from under her pillow. She lowered it when she saw Dean. "You asshat!"


"Look, all I'm saying is that mac and cheese isn't better with bacon bits than it is by itself," Carter argued. "Yes, it is! There's more flavor and--and texture!" Dean scowled. He threw down his newspaper at Carter's statement. "Why would you want hard bits in your food?!" She questioned. "It's better, okay?! It just is." Her friend answered. "You're insa---"

"Look." Dean interrupted. "Cicero, Indiana. A dude fell on his own power saw."

"How is that a case? The dude coulda been clumsy." Carter dismissed. "All right, there's something better in Cicero than just a case; Lisa Braeden," Dean smirked. "Who's Lisa Braeden?" Sam asked, sitting down in the booth. "Remember that road trip I took, uh... gosh, about eight years ago now? You were in Orlando with Dad wrapping up that banshee thing. I spent most of my time in Lisa Braeden's loft." Dean chuckled. "You want - you want to drive all the way to Cicero just to hook up with some random girl?" Carter laughed.

"She was a yoga teacher. It was the bendiest weekend of my life. Come on. Have a heart, huh? It's my dying wish." Dean frowned. He gave his brother and his friend the puppy eyes, making Sam sympathize with his brother. "Fine."


"Don't wait up for me!" Dean shouted, leaving the parking lot while Sam and Carter were pulling their bags out of the trunk. "Dean!" Carter yelled. But Baby was already drifting around a corner. "Okay then."

They walked into the motel room and put their stuff down. "You can shower first, I'm gonna order takeout." Carter sighed. She ordered pizza, then went through her bag. She pulled out a wooden box and sat down to go through it.

She had her charm bracelet, rings, and pictures inside. Some pictures, she had forgotten about. "I remember that bracelet." A voice said behind her. Sam was drying his hair off by scrunching it with a towel in the doorway. He had another towel around his waist and a toothbrush in his hand. "Yeah?" Carter smiled. "You were wearing it when we began talking. You were in the cafè and I was all--" Sam dropped his jaw for dramatics, "--and you were all---" He flipped his hair. "I did not." Carter defended. She laughed.

"Oh, you definitely were." Sam nodded. He crawled over the bed to look at the box. "I remember this." He chuckled, picking up the picture Mrs. Turner had taken. {CHAPTER SIX} Carter laughed and glanced at Sam. He looked up at her and gave her a grin. "Go get dressed, Winchester." She teased. "Fine, Branch." He sat up, eye contact remaining. "Stop it." She suddenly told him. "Stop what?" Sam scoffed.

"That! Your whole side-smirk-sexy-eye-glistening-lovey-dovey crap!" She rambled. "I don't mean to do a side-smirk-sexy-eye-glistening-lovey-dovey look!" Sam remarked. "You're annoying," Carter murmured. Sam, once again, let a light scoff leave his throat. Deciding to test her patience, he began poking her arm and sides. "Sam-" She warned. When he didn't stop, she went to swing a pillow at him. He caught it and threw it aside, then wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. "Sam!"

They laughed and wrestled until they were out of breath and suddenly the air left the room. Sam was on top of Carter, staring down at her with an exaggerated simper. "Why do we always end up like this?" She joked. Sam laughed and his head lowered in amusement. Carter placed her hands on both sides of his face and sat up slightly to place a gentle kiss on his bottom lip. He lowered her back down onto the mattress, about to return the kiss when someone knocked on the door. "Pizza!" A man called.

Sam groaned and sat up.


Sam sat in a booth with his laptop in front of him, a black coffee, and articles from newspapers. Diners were a nice place to work and research. It was one of the things Sam enjoyed about being all over the place. Except this trip wasn't as peaceful. The blonde-haired girl sat down in front of him. Her name was Ruby.

"You've been following me since Lincoln... That knife you had. You can kill demons with that thing?" Sam questioned, closing his laptop. "Sure comes in handy when I have to swoop in and save the damsel in distress. I'm interested in you. You're tall. I love a tall man. And then there's the whole antichrist thing." Ruby responded, putting ketchup on a plate of fries she snagged from an empty table. "Huh?"

"You know, generation of psychic kids, Yellow-Eyed Demon rounds you up, celebrity deathmatch ensues. You're the sole survivor. So, Yellow Eyes had some pretty big plans for you, Sam. Good job with that whole killing thing, by the way. It doesn't change the fact that you're special in that Anthony Michael Hall E.S.P. visions kind of way." She replied. "No. No, that's stuff's not happening anymore. Not since Yellow-Eyes died." Sam murmured. "It's still happening to Carter though, isn't it? Either way, I'm thinking you're still a pretty big deal. I mean, after all that business with your mom and her friends and stuff. Why don't you look into your mom's pals and then give me a call?" Ruby smirked. She wrote her number on his wrist and he tugged his sleeve down.

"Look, I'm happy right now with Carter so---" He began. "Shush it, Lover Boy." Ruby hummed. She scooted out of the booth and walked away.

Sam's phone rang and he immediately answered. "Dude, there is a job here. You know that one freak accident we read about in the paper? Turns out there are four more that never even made the paper, all in this ... Morning Hill gated community. People falling off of ladders and drowning in their Jacuzzis all over the neighborhood. Yeah, something's up. Something these nice, big gates can't protect them from." Dean informed his brother. "Great. Okay, I'll grab Carter and we'll check out one of the places." Sam responded. He put his stuff away and Dean hung up.

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