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SAM never stopped reading on how to break Crossroad Deals. Even on the road, he never put the book down. Carter let loose a little, on the other hand. She spent her days alone, (when she wasn't cooped up in the Impala,) drinking or finding bars to party in. She became her own enemy, someone she never wanted to be, and excused it by saying she was celebrating.

Dean decided to spend his last year on Earth with no regrets. Hookups, beer...more hookups. In fact, Sam walked in on Dean having a threesome with two sisters, which made Sam sick to his stomach. "Let me see your knife." He told Dean. "Why?"

"So I can gouge my eyes out."

Carter began laughing in the backseat. "What's Bobby got?" Dean asked. "A crop failure and a cicada swarm outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. No freaky deaths. Could be demonic omens. It's our only lead." Sam shrugged. Dean sighed. "Carter, you smell like cigarettes and cologne. Where were you last night?" Sam questioned. "I was out, Sam." She muttered. Her friend rolled his eyes and glanced out the window. He knew he messed up by cheating on Carter, yet he couldn't help but think she was being overdramatic.

"That's specific." He scowled.


"Hi, Flynn! Who's a good boy?"

Carter sat down on the ground in between the Impala and Bobby's old truck. She scratched her dog's fur and babbled to him in a soft voice while feeding him some of her cheeseburgers. "So, we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast, are we?" Bobby questioned. "Well, I sold my soul. Got a year to live. I ain't sweating the cholesterol." Dean answered. "You're just a cute ol' dog, aren't you? Yes, you are." Carter said to Flynn. "Hey, Snow White, get off your ass so we can check this place out," Dean called.

They walked into the foul-smelling home and coiled back when they saw three rotting corpses on a couch. "Oh that's---" Carter gagged. "Check for sulfur," Dean instructed. They split up, Carter checking the room farthest from the living room, and soon regathered with two other hunters.

It was a nasty run-in. Isaac and Tamara were a married couple and working on the same case the others were. Tamara was more than welcoming, but Isaac had a bone to pick with them. He was upset with them for letting the Devil's Gate open in the first place. Carter was tempted to soccer-kick him into next year but controlled her urges by going outside and sitting by the cars with Flynn.

Sam walked outside and joined her, instantly noticing the cigarette in her left hand. "You alright?" He asked. "I'm walking on sunshine, Winchester." His friend answered. But he knew better. She didn't call him by his last name unless she was teasing or mad at him. Right now, she obviously wasn't in the best mood. "Y'know, I'm really sick of walking on eggshells around you. You're being ridiculous, Carter. I get that you're mad at me, but we died together. You'd think you'd wanna be more appreciative that we're still living, but here you are trying to give yourself cancer and-- This isn't you. I'm done with whoever this is." Sam ranted.

"You were there for me when my dad died. You were there when I was on the verge of committing suicide. You were the person I could turn to for anything, Sam! You let me down, not the other way around. You lost my trust the moment you decided to crawl into bed with a werewolf. The minute you trusted someone you only met---what? Once? Twice? Over me! This is on you, Sam." She shouted. "If you hate me so much, why did you protect me?!" Sam argued.

"Just because I don't trust you, doesn't mean that I don't love you! You and Dean are all I have. So, God helps me if I wasn't going to spend my final moments making sure you'd be okay. The world is better with you in it, Sam." She shouted. They stared at one another, breathing heavily. Tears were on the brim of their eyes.

"All I've wanted was you and when I figured out what happened between you and Madison...It was worse than Jake murdering me. It felt like so much was ripped away. I've felt so empty, Sammy, and I don't know how to fix it." Carter confessed. The tears finally escaped her eyes. When Sam didn't respond, Carter got into the Impala and waited for him to walk away. She laid down on her side, her head rested on her arm, and stared at the dashboard until she broke down into sobs.

Sam walked into the farmhouse. "Look, there are a couple hundred more demons out there now. We don't know where they are, when they'll strike. There ain't enough hunters in the world to handle something like this. You brought war down on us - on all of us." Isaac rambled. "Yeah, we made a mistake. Okay, can we uh--" Sam interrupted. "Yeah. I'm tired." Dean murmured.


"Okay so Walter Rosen: possessed, walks up to someone, touches them, and they go stark raving psycho? Great. This is fantastic." Carter smiled from the backseat of Bobby's truck. She scratched Flynn's fur. "Over there. Showtime." Dean pointed at a redheaded man. "We don't know what to expect out of this guy. We should tail him till we know for sure." Bobby said. "Oh, so he kills someone and we just sit here with our junk in our hands?" Dean retorted.

"Seeing as Isaac and Tamara are here, I doubt we're going to sit around." Carter nudged. "Damn it!" Bobby shouted.

They ran out and attempted to open the door by throwing themselves against it. The door wouldn't budge. "Go," Carter instructed. They ran to the car and armed themselves with holy water, then got in and sped through the building. Isaac was dead and the group of hunters faced seven black-eyed demons.

Tamara screamed by her husband until Sam dragged her to the car while Carter sprayed the men and women with Holy Water. Bobby was ready to speed away at any moment. While Dean stuffed the screaming man in the trunk and climbed through the back window, Carter got into the passenger side. "Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" Dean shouted.


"We're against the seven deadly sins, live and in the flesh! "Binsfeld's Classification of Demons." In 1589, Binsfeld ID'd the seven sins - not just as human vices but as actual devils." Bobby told the group. "The family - they were touched by Sloth. And the shopper..." Dean trailed off. The red-headed man was Envy. He was the reason a woman murdered another person over a shoe. "That's Envy's doing - the customer we got in the next room. I couldn't suss it out at first, until Isaac. He was touched with an awful Gluttony." Bobby said.

"I don't give a rat's ass if they're the Three Stooges or the Four Tops! I'm gonna slaughter every last one of them!" Tamara yelled. "We already did it your way. You burst in there half-cocked and look what happened! These demons haven't been topside in half a millennium! We're talking medieval, Dark Ages! We've never faced anything close to this! So we are gonna take a breath... And figure out what our next move is!" Bobby shouted. Everyone went dead silent. "I am sorry for your loss." Bobby apologized.

Tamara walked out and everyone looked at one another.

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