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"WE'RE out. We're free. Thanks to you, my kind are everywhere. I am legion, for we are many. To me, I'm just celebrating. Having a little fun." Envy laughed. "Fun?" Carter scoffed. She stared at the man, who was tied to a chair in a Demon Trap. "Yeah. Fun. See, some people crochet. Others golf. Me? I like to see people's insides on their outside." Envy replied. Tamara stepped forward, about to launch herself at the demon. Carter held her back.

"You really think you're better than me. Which one of you can cast the first stone, huh? What about you, Dean? You're practically, a walking billboard of gluttony and lust. And Tamara. All that wrath. Oooh. It's the reason you and Isaac became hunters in the first place, isn't it? It's so much easier to ... drink in the rage than to face what really happened all those years ago. You call us sins. We're not sins, man. We are natural human instinct. And you can repress and deny us all you want, but the truth is, you are just animals. Horny... greedy... hungry... violent animals. And you know what? You'll be slaughtered like animals, too...The others - they're coming for me." Envy told them.

"Maybe. But they're not gonna find you... 'cause you'll be in hell. Send him packing, Tamara." Dean nodded. The woman began exorcising Envy and the others left the room. "Okay so now we have six sins hunting us. No matter where we run, they're gonna follow us. Does anyone have a plan?" Carter questioned. "Why don't you take Tamara and head for the hills? I'll stay back, slow them down, buy you a little time." Dean shrugged. "Oh shut up, Winchester. If we go down, we go down together. We're not gonna make it easy for them. Someone grab salt and all of the Holy water they can find. We'll fight these bitches until we're dead." Carter bellowed. Everyone nodded in agreement and split up to grab their weapons.

Nobody dared to speak. They were too focused on listening to what was going on outside, making sure there were no sneak attacks. "I can be more helpful outside," Carter whispered to Dean. "You aren't going 1:6 just so you can throw pebbles at them." Her friend responded, cocking his gun.

"Tamara! Tamara! Tamara! Tamara! Help me! Pleeeeeeease!" A man, Isaac, cried. "Showtime," Carter muttered. She turned on a stereo and positioned herself by a window. "Tamara! I got away, but I'm hurt bad! I need help! Baby! Why won't you let me in? You left me behind back there. How could you do that? We swore ... At that lake in Michigan. Remember? We swore we would never leave each other! You just gonna leave me out here? You just gonna let me die?! I guess that's what you do, dear! Like that night those things came to our house... came ... for our daughter! You just let her die, too."

"Tamara, no!" Bobby yelled. It was too late. Tamara broke the salt line and lept onto the demon outside, stabbing him with a stake. "She just killed us," Carter whispered, looking around at the other sins. Dean was cornered by Lust, Bobby fought Sloth, Sam had Pride, and Carter had Wrath.

"You Sins really don't live up to your name." She taunted. The man sped at her. Meanwhile, Dean passionately made out with the Sin and Bobby exorcised Sloth. Sam tried to beat Pride, but the odds weren't in his favor...That was, until a blonde mystery girl slaughtered Pride, Gluttony, and Greed.

Carter and Wrath stumbled outside, repeatedly throwing punches at one another. The atmosphere seemed to shrink on the 1:1 battle. "I'm gonna paint a wall with your guts." Wrath shouted. "I'd like to see you try when you're full of dirt, you bitch." Carter threatened. She directed her hand towards the ground beside her and sent roots wrapping around the Sin's legs. Rocks began pelting themselves at his head and Carter took the chance to spray him with Holy Water. The man squirmed and fell back. The blonde girl reappeared and stabbed him with a silver blade, immediately killing him.

"Thanks." Carter panted. She spat out blood and walked back inside to help everyone else carry bodies into a pile, where they later burned them.

They watched Tamara leave and Carter checked on Flynn. "Take good care of him, Bobby." She told him. "Always will. Hell, I spoil the bitch." Bobby replied with a chuckle. Carter nodded and walked towards the Impala. "Branch, you better fix yourself up by the next time I see you. I'm not gonna watch you fly off the rails, ya hear me?" Bobby warned. "Yes sir." She replied.

She got in the passenger seat of the black car and watched Sam and Dean say goodbye, then argue with one another and silently get back in the vehicle. It was quiet for a while until Dean stirred up a conversation. "So, what's going on between you two?" He questioned. "What do you mean? We're practically PB&J." Carter remarked sarcastically. "I saw you two arguing." Dean sighed. "Yeah, people tend to have disagreements, Dean. It's normal...How would you feel if you were stuck in a car with your best friend that cheated on you with a girl he only knew for like two days." Carter asked. He didn't respond. "Y'know, I'm sitting right here." Sam scowled.

Carter turned around and they began bickering until Dean turned the stereo up to scare them. "Okay, that's it! Welcome to Dean's Couple Therapy." Dean declared, pulling over the car. He turned in his seat. "Sam, you made a mistake. A really, really bad mistake. You suck ass--- Carter, you've been hella hard on him. Yeah, he ruined your trust and broke your heart, but you two were best friends before you even began dating. Can you at least pretend that you like him? You were nicer to Fido than your own best friend. I'm tired of you two acting like damn toddlers. That's my job. So suck it up and get back to being two peas in a damn pod."

"It's Flynn." Carter corrected. Laughter erupted from the car. "Wait, turn this up!"
{Magic Dance - David Bowie}
Dean threw a pair of shades on. "You remind me of the babe." He lip-synced. "What babe?" Carter replied. "The babe with the power." Sam mouthed, leaning back in the seat with sunglasses on. "The power of voodoo."

"Who do?"

"You do, remind me of the babe."


i just rlly love the labyrinth soundtrack so i had to incorporate it somehow. also, what are your thoughts about the whole situation going on between sam and carter?

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