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SIX months have passed since Carter spoke with the Winchesters. She got a dog, a German Shepherd named Flynn, and was still traveling. Not much changed. As for Sam and Dean, however, they found their father and had such a merry old time, landing them exactly where they are now: the hospital. Sam left voicemails every week on Carter's phone, but she never called back. She was fearful and regretted her decisions.

Sam's number once again popped up on her phone. She picked it up hesitantly and pulled over to a cornfield. She clicked the answer button. "Carter?" Sam whispered. She didn't say anything. "Carter, Dean's hurt real bad. The doctors...Carter, he doesn't look too good." Sam cried. He sniffled and Carter hit her steering wheel. "Where are you, Sammy?" She asked.


Carter ran through the hospital halls. Her heart pounded in her chest and she opened nearly every door she saw with her mind. While away, Carter made sure to focus on the telekinesis side of things. She saw Sam's back in a doorway and approached it. Sam had gotten taller and better built. He was bruised and wearing a sling for his arm.

"Sam?" She whispered. He turned around and his face fell at the sight of her. "Are you okay?" She asked. "I'm okay." He replied, turning back to look into the room. She peered into the hospital room and saw Dean lying on the bed. He was tied up to many tubes and wires. "Dean?" Carter called. She sat down beside him on the bed and held his hand. "I'm so sorry." She told Sam and Dean. Sam sat down in a chair and bit his fingernails.

"Any news from the doctor?" Carter asked. There was a knock at the door and a man walked in. "You must be the wife. Well, he sustained serious injury: blood loss, contusions to his liver and kidney. But it's the head trauma I'm worried about. There are early signs of cerebral edema. We won't know his full condition until he wakes up. If he wakes up." The man told them.

Carter squeezed Dean's hand. The door swung shut by itself. "If?" Carter checked. "Most people with this degree of injury wouldn't have survived this long. He's fighting very hard. But you need to have realistic expectations." The doctor said. "May I please talk to Sam privately, Doc? Thanks." She muttered. The doctor left and Sam spun to look at Carter. "What was that? Why did the door-" Sam began.

"I did it. I've been working on it. Let's go talk to your dad." Carter summarized. She kissed the back of Dean's hand and stood up. "Stay here, Flynn." She commanded. The dog jumped on the bed by Dean's side and carefully laid down. Carter walked into the hall and followed Sam's lead into John Winchester's room.

John was awake and alive, which somehow made Carter angry. She played it off well. "Hi, I'm Carter." She smiled. "John Winchester. I've heard about you. You left my boys." John said. "They pushed me into a car on my birthday. I think I earned the right to ignore them. I heard you were such an award-winning figure in their lives too." Carter replied sarcastically. Sam elbowed her. "The doctors won't do anything, then we'll have to, that's all. I don't know, I'll find some hoodoo priest and lay some mojo on him." He told his dad.

"We'll look for someone. But Sam, I don't know if we're gonna find anyone. I'll check under every stone, but that faith healer was a one in a million thing." John replied. "Faith healer?" Carter questioned. "Long story," Sam muttered. "Where's the Colt?" His father asked.

The Colt was the answer to killing Yellow Eyes, the demon that killed Carter and Sam's mothers. Carter listened to selected voicemails and the Colt happened to be one she selected. "Your son is dying, and you're worried about the Colt?" Carter snapped. "We're hunting this demon, and maybe it's hunting us too. That gun may be our only card. Don't come around here acting like you never left." John pressured.

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