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WE'VE completed quite a few missions, but this may be the hardest one yet for Sam and Dean. Sam expected the people in their old house may be in danger, so here we are: going to the house in Kansas. Dean was quiet the whole way while Sam described the dream to me. Sam didn't remember the night their house burned, but Dean definitely did. It made me feel bad for him.

We parked in front of the home and got out. "Should I stay back?" I asked, feeling as if it were an intrusion to enter such a nostalgic place of theirs. Sam shrugged. "No, why would you? Come on." He encouraged. I walked to the door with the brothers and watched it open. A young woman opened the door and Sam seemed shocked.

"I'm Sam Winchester, this is my brother, Dean, and that's my friend, Carter. Dean and I used to live here. You know, we were just drivin' by, and we were wondering if we could come to see the old place." Sam wondered. "Winchester. Yeah, that's so funny. You know, I think I found some of your photos the other night. I'm Jenny. Come on in." Jenny told us, stepping aside.

We followed her to the kitchen and Sam and Dean looked around. There was a little boy in a crib, jumping while holding onto the bar. "Juice! Juice! Juice!" He giggled. "That's Ritchie. He's kind of a juice junkie. But, hey, at least he won't get scurvy." Jenny handed him a sippy cup. She then walked over to a little girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. "Sari, this is Sam and Dean. They used to live here. That's their friend, Carter." Jenny introduced. "Hi, Sari." I smiled. "So how do you like it here?" Sam questioned.

I took in the beautiful kitchen. It had wooden floors and matching cabinets. It was clean and organized and very modern. I wonder how it looked when Dean was a kid. Speaking of Dean, we were still pretty iffy on talking. Every time we speak, my heart hurts because sex isn't just a hit and run when it's with a friend. I act normal though because what else am I supposed to do?

"Mom? Ask them if it was here when they lived here." Sari whispered. "If what was here, Sari?" Sam frowned. "The thing in my closet," Sari replied. "Oh, no, baby, there was nothing in their closets. She had a nightmare the other night." Jenny sighed. "I wasn't dreaming. It came into my bedroom -- and it was on fire." Sari protested. "I can prove to you there's nothing in your closet, Sari." I lied. "Do you mind?" I asked. Jenny shook her head and Sari led me to her room. She sat on the bed and looked at the closet doors.

I have to admit, the room gives me the creeps. I opened the closet doors. "I'm going to talk to whatever might be in there," I told Sari. "You believe me?" She gasped. I nodded. "Just between us two, okay? Top secret." I laughed. I walked into the closet and shut the doors.

"Is anything here?" I questioned, inhaling deeply. I could distinctly smell a perfume scent from behind me. Could it be Sam and Dean's mom? "Mrs. Winchester?" I whispered. "Please protect this little girl." I requested, looking around. I opened the door and stepped out, then closed the doors again. "My friends and I will be back, okay? I think whatever's here might be good, but we need to make sure." I told the girl. She nodded. "Pinky promise you keep this a secret?" I held out my finger and she wrapped hers around mine. "Good."


"I have to tell you guys something. There was something in that closet...But it didn't seem bad." I said. Dean and Sam paused in the street. "What?" Dean scoffed. "I mean, the thing in there was wearing perfume. Plus it didn't hurt the poor kid. I think it was protecting her." I shrugged. "Whatever it is, we don't ignore it," Dean said, getting into the car. "I wasn't suggesting we ignore it," I argued, sitting down on the passenger side.

"Okay can you guys shut up for a minute?!" Sam shouted. We looked at him. "That family's in danger. We have to get 'em out of that house." He told us. "We will, but we can't. Not right now. Are we supposed to walk in there and say Casper the ghost has gone bad and plans on killing them?" I sighed. "No. We just gotta chill out, that's all. You know, if this was any other kind of job, what would we do?" Dean looked at us. "We'd try to figure out what we were dealin' with. We'd dig into the history of the house." Sam answered.

"Yeah except this time, you know what happened." I reminded. "I was six months old. It's not like I remember anything. How much of it do you remember, Dean?" Sam asked. "Not much. I remember the fire...the heat...And then I carried you out the front door." Dean explained. I smiled. His brother seemed shocked. "What, you never knew that?"

Sam shook his head. "Aww...well not to ruin this moment, but I have to hit the lady's room so if we could just---" I requested.


Using gas station bathrooms make me wanna projectile vomit, so I'll hold it until we get back to the motel or somewhere less roach infested. Sam and I went to buy some snacks and drinks while Dean made a phone call outside. "How're you holding up, Sammy?" I questioned. "Good, I guess. I mean, you made a point. This thing didn't kill Sari. But what is it protecting her from? I'm just worried Sari will die the same way Jess did, you know?" Sam sighed.

"Nothing is gonna hurt her. We'll take care of this. I promise. Until then, hand me the Pringles." I joked. Sam laughed and handed me the chips. "Well, what about you? Are you holding up okay? I know you and Dean are still..." He trailed off. "If it meant nothing to him, it meant nothing. It's okay. I'm fine. The world is still spinning, right?" I smiled a little and Sam took the basket from my hand. "I'll pay." He told me.

I walked outside and looked around for Dean. "Dean?" I called. There was no response. "Goddamn it," I muttered, taking a knife out of my jeans. I walked around the building and ran into Dean. "Woah woah, drop the knife!" He told me. "You scared me, you ass." I put the weapon away and looked around. "Worried about me? That's a step." He shrugged. I began to walk away when he grabbed my arms and pushed me against the wall. "What do you want, Dean?" I grunted.

He stared intensely at my lips, but I wasn't having it. I shoved him off and walked towards the Impala, where Sam was waiting. He eyed us suspiciously. I got in the backseat without a word to say.

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