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CARTER pulled on a horrible colored hat and badge. "I hope the clown gives you a heart attack." She told Dean. "You look ridiculous!" He wheezed. "You realize this is your jacket right?" She snickered. Dean stopped laughing. "Do you think Sam was being legit about the 'I don't wanna go to school' thing?" He asked. "Maybe. Don't bring it up, you'll push him in the other direction." Carter replied. "I'm on ticket duty. You and Sam have trash. Have fun, don't die, and if you do decide to meet a Grim Reaper, give it a kiss." She smirked, walking towards her post.

She took tickets from kids and let them in the Funhouse, then was approached by Sam. "Hey, any luck?" He questioned. Carter shook her head. "Not that I've had the chance to pull out an EMF. I'm either being hit on or trying to avoid sticky tickets from slobbery kids." She sighed.

"Lauren! I'm gonna take five and help Sam find his keys." She yelled at another worker. She and Sam walked into the funhouse, which was full of neon designs and warped mirrors. She and Sam continued walking with their noses in the EMFs when a skeleton fell from the ceiling in front of them, hung by a rope. Carter hid her face behind her friend. Sam began laughing and helped her past it, not thinking anything of it. Carter wasn't laughing. Her face was pale, but she didn't stop moving. If anything popped out, she smacked it and continued walking out of the House.

"No EMF. Maybe it's attached to bones?" Sam thought. "Maybe. I'll call Dean." Carter replied. She put the phone to her ear. "Hey, baby." Dean's voice rang. "Shut up...Meet us outside of the Fun House." She told him, smiling. "Us? Damn. We just can't get any alone time." He joked. She hung up and put her phone away. "I know it's really really really late, but maybe we could celebrate your birthday later," Sam said. "Sam, it's fine. Don't worry about it." Carter told him.

"Carter, we're celebrating whether you want to or not." He laughed. "Fine." Carter looked around. "Sam, I really missed you while I was gone." She confessed. "I missed you too, C." He sighed.


Sam stared at the door, rewatching Carter walking out of it over and over. Maybe they had gotten rid of her too soon. Maybe they should have helped her. Doubts began to eat him away. "We did what we had to, Sam," Dean assured him. "I know. We should have at least talked to her first." He replied. "Too late now. Come on. Get some shut eye." His brother suggested, picking up a bottle of beer from the fridge.

Dean sat down on the bed and stared at where Carter once was. It wasn't going to be easy to adjust, but maybe she'd be better without him. Dean believed he was toxic. He uncapped the beer and took a gulp before laying back on his bed to stare at the ceiling. Sam stood up and walked out into the parking lot, where he saw the car's engine starting. Why did she stay for so long?

For a split second, happiness filled Sam's body because she wasn't gone yet. The joy faded when he watched the car pull out and leave. He walked over to the empty parking space and picked up a ring she had dropped. It was silver and had a red stone in the middle. He saw her wear it often, so why was it on the ground now? Sam squeezed it and put it in his jacket pocket.


He touched the chain around his neck and followed the line to the silver object. He took the necklace off and held it out to Carter. "I think this is yours." He chuckled. "You kept it?" She laughed, staring at the ring. He nodded. "Why wouldn't I?"

She grabbed his other hand and held it under the ring, then lowered his hands into a ball. "You keep it. Looks better on you anyway." She teased. Sam smiled and put it back on. Dean walked over to them. "What took you so long?" Carter questioned. "Long story," Dean replied. "Mommy, look! A clown!" A girl giggled. There was nothing there. "Come on, sweetie." Her mom replied. "Car car car, go!" Carter whispered loudly.

They ran to her car and followed the family, then parked a few houses down from theirs. "So now what? We wait until Pennywise comes popping out?" Dean asked. "Yup." Carter turned off the engine and lowered her seat. "Have fun watching, boys. I'm getting some sleep." She muttered.

"Really, Carter?" Dean scoffed. Soft snores left her body. "That was fast." Sam snickered. He had his doubts she was even asleep. "So, what's the deal here? Do you like her or do you not like her? I heard you two. All flirty." His brother asked. Sam looked at Dean like he was insane. "How much have you had to drink, Dean?"

"Listen, all I want is the truth or I'll date her myself. You decide. In the meantime, I found out some stuff. I mentioned the Bunker Brother's Circus in '81 to the Blind Guy and before Mr. Cooper owned Cooper Carnival, he worked for Bunker Brothers. He was their lot manager."

"So you think whatever the spirit's attached to, Cooper just brought it with him?" Carter questioned, peeking an eye open. She sat up when no one responded. Sam and Dean stared at her. "That twenty-second nap was great, but you two can't shut up so it's hard to fall asleep. Thanks, boys." She lied. "Y-yeah," Sam replied. He glanced at Dean, trying to decide if she was listening the whole time or not. Since she didn't bring it up, maybe they got lucky.

Sam cleared his throat and loaded his gun while Carter stared out of the window. She was a good actress apparently. She heard everything.

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