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SHE didn't want to run. She didn't want to leave. She didn't have anyone except for the Winchesters. Carter sat on Dean's bed in the motel room, alone. The boys were giving her some space, which she appreciated because the last thing she wanted to see was Sam's guilty face and puppy dog eyes. Her heart was split in two. It wasn't crumbled, but it was enough to make her wanna break down.

Normally in these situations, she'd have Sam to run to. She'd crawl into his arms and he'd rest his chin on her head. She'd feel safe. But who do you run to when your comfort turned into your pain?

There was a knock on the door and Carter jumped. "Hold on." She yelled, wiping her eyes and straightening up. Her hair was damp from her shower and she looked like a complete mess. She opened the door for Sam and Dean and went to the kitchen area. "Beer?" She offered. Dean accepted and she handed him a bottle. Sam stood by the door. He had never seen her hiding her feelings from him. Not since they became friends.

Carter handed him a water bottle and sat down with a beer at the table. She uncapped it and burst out laughing to distract the tears that tried to escape her eyes. "You, uh, remember the costume party? T-that was fun." She snickered, remembering when Jess dressed up as a nurse and Sam went uncostumed. "You looked like a lumberjack," Carter exclaimed.

Sam nodded and looked at Dean for guidance.

Carter twiddled with her bottle. "Goodnight, boys." She muttered, laying down with her back facing them. "Dude, I think you broke her." Dean half-joked.


Sam and Carter woke up on the ground of an abandoned town. "Where are we?" Sam asked. "Bikini Bottom," Carter remarked, standing up. Sam sighed. "The last thing I remember was being in Boston." He murmured. "Mhm...and then we got fucking kidnapped. This is fantastic." She looked around and began walking. "Where are you going?" Sam called. "To find...anything." She replied.

They walked around until a guy named Andy Gallagher popped out. Andy was psychic, just like Sam and Carter. He could make anyone do anything he wanted. "What are you doing here? What am I doing here?! Where are we?!" Andy questioned. "Calm down! What's the last thing you remember?" Carter asked. "Honestly? My fourth bong load. It was weird. All of a sudden, there was this really intense smell. Like sulfur." Andy responded.

A scream came from a locked shed. "Help!" A girl screamed. "That sounds like..." Carter ran towards the shed. "Ava?!"

She smashed the padlock open with a rock and opened the shed door and Ava gave her a giant huge. "Oh, Carter. Carter, I don't know how I got here. I just woke up in there, like, a half an hour ago." She cried. "You've been gone for months, Ava." She told her. "That's not-oh my God! My fiancée, Brady! If I've been missing for that long, he must be freaking out!" She cried.

Carter looked down, knowing Brady was dead. "What's happening?" Andy asked. "I don't really know yet. But I know one thing: I know what the three of us have in common." Sam answered. "Hello? Is anybody there?" A man called out. "Over here!" Carter yelled.

A man and woman approached them. The man was in an army uniform and the woman was wearing black skinny jeans and a purple shirt. "I'm Sam, this is Carter, Ava, and Andy." Sam introduced. "Jake. Lily." The man said, pointing to himself and the girl. "How did we even get here? A minute ago, I was in San Diego." Lily asked. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I went to sleep last night in Afghanistan," Jake muttered.

"Let me take a wild guess: you two are both twenty-three? We all are. And we all have abilities. started a little over a year ago? You found you could do things? Things you didn't think were possible? I have visions. I see things before they happen." Sam questioned. "So do I." Ava and Carter said in unison. "Except I can do some weirder shit," Carter confessed. Sam's eyebrows raised. "What?"

"Terrakinesis. I can do some Earth stuff, I guess." She shrugged. "And you never thought to bring this up?" Sam scoffed. "It's not like you're all open ab---" Carter began. "I can put thoughts into people's heads. Like, make them do stuff. But don't worry, it, I don't think it works on you guys. Oh, but get this -- I've been practicing. Training my brain, like meditation. So now, it's not just thoughts I can beam out, but images, too. Like, anything I want. Bam! People, they see it. This one guy I know - total dick, right? I used it on him: gay porn. All hours of the day. It was just like ... you should have seen the look on his face." Andy laughed.

"Okay, great. I'm gonna look around for...literally anything. You can be the tour guide." Carter told Sam. "You can't just go off by yourself---" He shouted. A rock flew past his head as a warning. "Fine."


"Come here, demon." She whistled, walking through a building. "Carter?!" Sam shouted, running up the steps. "What?" She frowned. "Jake just met an Acheri. We're in Cold Oak, South Dakota. This town was so haunted, every single resident fled. Come on, let's go. Everyone else is in a different building." He told her. They ran back to the group and saw them gathered around the bell. Lily was hanging from a noose. Sam covered Carter's eyes immediately. "Sam, she's dead! She's dead! You said we were chosen for a reason. That is not chosen! That's killed! Okay, we have to get out of here." Ava panicked. "Lily was trying to leave. The demon's not gonna let us get away that easy. We've gotta gear up for the next attack." Jake muttered.

"Come on. Come on, everyone back inside." Sam told them. "I'm getting Lily down." Jake snapped. Carter pressed against Sam's chest, inhaling his faint cologne scent and dirt. It was relaxing before she remembered that he cheated. Carter pulled out of Sam's arms. "Maybe if you have anything that Dean's touch, I can try to send him something. A message." Andy suggested to Sam.

Carter helped Jake pull Lily down and cut the rope off her neck. They laid her down on the ground and flowers began growing around her body. "I'm sorry, Lily," Carter whispered. She stood up and looked back up at the bell. "Come on, Ava." She murmured, grabbing a bag of salt.

They began lining windows and doors.


Carter was woken up by maniacal laughing. "I've been here a long time. And not alone, either. People just keep showing up. Children, like us. Batches of three or four at a time. I'm the undefeated heavyweight champ. It's me or them. After a while, it was easy. It was even kind of fun. I just stopped fighting it. If you'd just quit your hand-wringing and open yourself up, you have no idea what you can do. The learning curve is so fast, it's crazy, the switches that just flip in your brain. I can't believe I started out just having dreams. Do you know what I can do now?" Ava questioned. Carter looked at Andy's dead body.

"You can control demons," Sam observed. Carter slowly got up and threw herself onto Ava. She twisted her head, snapping her neck, and killed her. "We have to go." She panted. Sam helped her up and they began walking out of the building. "I'll go find Jake. You find a clearing over there." She told Sam. She walked into a building with a small light.

"Come on, army man. Only one of us can make it out." She hummed. "Are you gonna throw rocks at me?" He taunted. "Sam's by the clearing. I won't let you touch him, Jake. Dean needs him." Carter said. "And I need to kill this bitch. I'm sorry."

Jake ran at her with a knife and stabbed her in the chest. "No." A voice gasped behind her. Jake walked out and Sam picked up Carter. "Hey hey, stay with me. Stay with me, please. Please, Carter. Look at me." He said, stopping and sitting on the ground by the clearing. She smiled at him and rocks began stacking themselves behind him, creating a wall before Jake attempted to stab him in the back. Her eyes fluttered shut. "No. No. No, no. Hey. Hey, Carter. Carter. Baby. Carter, you can't--" He gulped. Flowers grew around her and Sam. "Sam!" A voice shouted.

Dean, Bobby, and Carter's dog ran through the trees. "Dean, Carter's---" Sam cried. "Sam, look out!" Dean yelled. A knife plummetted through Sam's back and Jake took off running in the other direction and Bobby followed him. "Hey, look at me. It's not even that bad. It's not even that bad, all right? Sammy? Sam! Hey, listen to me. We're gonna patch you up, okay? You'll be good as new. Huh? I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna take you care of you. I've got you. That's my job, right? Watch out for my pain-in-the-ass little brother? Come on, I can't lose both of you." Dean whispered. Sam's eyes closed and he fell forward.

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