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SO it came down to who she loved. Of course, Carter loved both. But not in the same way. Her feelings were complicated and now was not the time to dwell on them. She reached over Sam and opened her compartment box, then grabbed a cigarette and got out of her car. She lit it and sat on the curb and stared at the house.

"Think she heard us?" Sam asked Dean lowly. "She's got a funny way of showing it if she did," Dean replied. "Since when did she start smoking?" He asked Sam. "I have no idea." He responded. "Kinda hot," Dean muttered. "Dude!" Sam exclaimed.

They were interrupted by Carter banging on the window. She pointed to the house and began running towards it, not waiting for the boys. They broke in through the front door and Sam grabbed the girl while Dean shot the clown. The clown stood up and jumped through a window. Carter ran through the front door, but it was gone. "Damn it!" She shouted, going back to her car. Sam and Dean jumped in quickly. "Go, go go!" Dean told her. She stepped on the gas pedal and they parked at a backroad.

"I can't believe I have to leave my friggin' car." Carter scoffed. She took off the license plate and replaced it with a new one, then out the old one in her bag. "We're not risking anything." Dean reminded her. Carter glared and handed him a duffle bag. "You hold my clothes and I hold the weapons. Merry Christmas." She remarked. They walked down the road. Sam and Dean argued over who was dealing with their Dad's death and whether Ellen should be called or not. Carter kicked rocks and followed the yellow lines.

"Ellen said it's a race of ancient Hindu creatures. Rakshasa." Sam informed. "You're joking." Carter scoffed. "What the hell is a Rakshasa?" Dean asked. "They appear in human form, they feed on human flesh, they can make themselves invisible, and they cannot enter a home without first being invited. Rakshasas live in squalor. They sleep on a bed of dead insects and they can be killed with pure brass." Carter answered. "A walking encyclopedia," Dean smirked. "All right, I'll round up the blade, you two go check if Cooper's got bedbugs." Carter direction.


"Well, I've got all kinds of knives. I don't know if I've got a brass one, though." The blind man said. He led Carter to his trailer and tapped a trunk. She paused and cautiously opened it, revealing a clown wig. "You?" She pulled out her gun. The man dropped his cane, pulled off his glasses, and his eyes looked normal. His eyes got cloudy and his face began to melt. He waved and his face disappeared, Cheshire-cat style with his eyes glowing last.

She began spitting bullets and backing towards the door. The clown spat knives at it, but she pulled it open and began running towards where Sam and Dean were. "The fucking Helen Keller man is the fucking clown!" She panted, putting new bullets in her gun. "Come on, I have an idea," Sam told them. They ran into the Fun House and immediately got separated. Carter and Dean looked at each other. "Go to the maze!" Carter yelled to Sam.

They began running through the colorful building when Carter got pinned to the wall by flying blades. "Carter!" Dean yelled. He grabbed the knife from her sleeves and they walked to a pipe organ. Sam met them there. "Where is that damn thing? Dean asked. A knife flew by Sam's head, making everyone duck. "Come out you rainbow wigged dick!" Carter shouted. She pulled a lever on the organ machine, creating more steam and an outline of a shape for the attacker.

Sam stabbed a brass pipe behind him without looking. It buried into the creature, which fell with blood pouring from the wound. The creature disappeared and all that was left was a bloody pipe and clothes. "I hate fun houses," Dean murmured.


Dean and Jo sat at the bar. "Am I gonna see you again?" She asked. "Do you want to?" He responded. "I wouldn't hate it." Jo shrugged. "Can I be honest with you? See, normally I'd be hitting on you so fast it'd make your head spin. But, uh, these days... I don't know." He mumbled. "It's okay, I get it. But hey, you better be nice to Carter." She warned. "It's not that. It's---I don't know." Dean sighed. "Don't play games with her, Dean," Jo concluded.

Carter and Sam looked at them from the bay window. They chuckled and stared at their laps. "Sam, I heard you guys in the car." She told him. "I figured." He sighed. "You didn't say no..." Carter teased. Sam nudged her with his shoulder. She smiled. "When did you start smoking?" He asked. "I limit myself to two a week. I started---It's nothing." She answered. "I have to admit, it was kinda hot." Sam joked. She elbowed him and they laughed.

The back door opened and Ash walked through with a weird laptop. "The demon is nowhere around. At least, nowhere I can find. But if this fugly bastard raises his head, I'll know. I mean, I'm on it like Divine on dog dookie. I mean, any of those signs or omens appear, anywhere in the world, my rig'll go off. Like a fire alarm." He told the duos. Sam and Carter joined Ash by the bar.

"Damn, Ash. M.I.T taught you well," Carter remarked. "I'll give you a call if I find something." Ash promised. Sam and Dean walked outside and Carter hugged Ash and Jo goodbye, then joined them. "We're going back to my car, right?" She asked. They nodded and began their journey.

"Jo and Dean sitting in a tree..." Carter hummed. "What are we, five?" Dean scoffed. She laughed and tossed rocks back and forth with them until they reached her car. "Thank god. Sam, you can drive. I'm sleeping." She yawned, tossing her friend the keys. Sam watched as she got into the backseat and finally got in himself.

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