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"NO, sorry. We don't have any comatose little girls. It's mostly old guys. And Callie. She's been around since before I started here. Callie is Dr. Garrison's daughter, he just... won't give up on her." The nurse told them. She gave them her room number and let them be on their way.

When Sam, Dean, and Carter approached the room, they heard Dr. Garrison reading the Little Red Riding Hood to her. However, it was the way she looked that gave away the mystery girl's identity. Callie had long black hair and a white nightgown on. She was unconscious but looked perfectly kept up with. "I'll ask about Callie. You two find the Big Bad Wolf." Carter whispered to the guys. Sam and Dean walked away and Carter backed up to the end of the hall and began walking when she heard rustling in the room Garrison was in. She pretended to bump into him whilst passing the door.

Meanwhile, Sam and Dean walked towards the door at the right time. Doctors rushed in with a stretcher. "Seventy-two-year-old female sustained multiple lacerations and puncture wounds. BP is eighty over forty and falling. Sinus tachycardia. Looks like she was mauled by a mad dog or, maybe a wolf?" A nurse said.

"What was the last story Dr. Garrison was reading?" Dean asked. "Little Red Riding Hood," Sam responded.

They asked the nurse about the lady and got the name of her granddaughter. They then met Carter out by the Impala. "Stepmom put Callie in her death bed. Dr. G doesn't know it. Calle's been there since she was eight, which is why people are seeing a little girl-- Callie only remembers herself as a kid. I think she's angry because no one knows the truth." She informed them. "I'll handle the Big Bad Wolf, Sam can talk to Garrison, and you can---" Dean began. "I'm not going back in the hospital. I'll go with you." Carter said. She got into the car and pulled her seatbelt over her chest.

Sam leaned into the opposite window. "Stay safe, alright?" He told her. "Sam, we've faced worse than the Big Bad Wolf." She laughed. He chuckled and let Dean in, then watched them leave.

"You alright, kid?" He questioned. Carter nodded and turned the radio up. Dean and Carter listened to Nirvana while on their way to bash some heads in, which would seem psychotic to most people if they didn't know what they did as a living. When they got to the Riding Hood House, they kicked the door in and approached a little girl with blood smeared on her face. Carter looked out for Dean while he asked her how she was. "Hey, Dean-O," Carter warned. She threw a punch at a (quite-ugly) man, who seemed to be in his 20s-30s. He caught her arm and Carter quickly kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

The man recovered quickly and ran, hunched over, at Carter. He threw her into a china cabinet, smashing the glass. Dean and the guy exchanged punches and kicks until Carter grabbed a pair of scissors and swung at the Wolf, who caught them and threw them aside. Dean toppled on top of the guy and Carter rushed to grab the scissors. She threw them at Dean, who raised them over the guy's throat. "Whoa! Stop, stop! Whoa, stop! Whoa! Where am I? What's going on?!" The man shouted.


"Thank god that's over." Carter scoffed, rolling her shoulder. She exited the bathroom and took her seat on a bed. "I'll sleep with you tonight," Dean said. "I don't care who sleeps next to me, I'm not getting up." She responded, laying down. She turned the lamp light off and laid on her stomach, wrapping her arms around a pillow. Sam hit Dean's chest and laid down on a separate bed, staring at Carter from his spot.

Her hair fell in front of her face until she flipped to the side. Her back now faced Sam. He glanced at the space beside him and rolled onto his back. Dean turned to his side and found himself lost in Carter's beauty. It felt wrong to admire her in such a way, but somehow he found himself still drawn to her. Dean tucked her hair behind her ear and exhaled sharply. He laid on his back and crossed his arms, then fell asleep.

When Dean woke up the next morning, his arms were no longer over his chest. Instead, they were wrapped around hers. Carter was still sleeping peacefully beside him except now her head was on his chest. Dean would have been completely okay with this if it weren't for the knowledge of Sam being in the bed beside them.

He jolted up and looked at his brother. "Sam-" He began. "Dean, don't worry about it." He replied, stirring his coffee. Sam sat down at the table and exhaled dramatically. "She's always been a cuddler anyway."

Dean cleared his throat and ruffled his hair, then got out of bed. Carter rolled over on her side and grabbed a pillow to cling to. Sam chuckled softly. "Okay, come on. You're drooling." Dean joked.


im so sorry for the delay, ik i usually update within 1-2 days. i had an allergic reaction (idk what to) and had to take benadryl. I fell asleep for a while, which is why this chapter took so long. i promise i'll work hard tmrw. I love you all and ty for your patience.

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