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I was quiet for the rest of the ride. When they snuck into the building, I stayed outside to keep watch. I fiddled with my bracelet and shoelaces. I heard a police siren coming closer and stood up. I opened the door. "You tripped an alarm, you jackasses!" I whisper-yelled. I closed the door and remained calm as two cars pulled to corner me. I released my shoelaces. "Can I help you guys?" I asked.

"Have you seen anyone walk in?" An officer asked. "No sir, I was just walking by. I'm supposed to meet my friends over there." I replied, nodding towards a bar. "Mhm...well the alarm inside went off." The man told me. I sighed and they walked closer. When they were in arm's length, I kicked one where the sun doesn't shine and turned around to punch the other square in the nose. I did the same to the other man to knock him out. I ran into the shop and saw Sam and Dean with blood down their eyes.

I looked into a mirror and a girl with paper white skin and long black hair appeared beside me. "Go to hell you bitch." I muttered, picking up a crowbar when my own reflection stared at me. "It's your fault. You let him die. You knew your dad was struggling. You could have saved him. You're a murderer. First your sister, then your dad, and now you're gonna kill Sam and Dean. Everyone around you dies and you won't even warn them. You think you're so invincible, but I can see right through you because I am you." It said. I noticed blood streaming down my eyes and slammed my crowbar into the mirror. "C-come on guys," I said to Sam and Dean when I noticed the girl was still in the reflection of a piece of glass.

"Carter, look out!" Dean yelled. I grabbed a mirror and made Mary look at her reflection while collapsing backwards. The girl melted into the ground and Dean and Sam helped me up. "We---We gotta go. Cops." I told them. Dean picked me up bridal style. "Out the back. Come on." He told Sam. "Dean, I'm okay," I told him. "Yeah and I fart rainbows on the weekend." He remarked while carrying me to the car. He placed me in the passenger seat and closed the door, then walked to the driver's side. I heard Sam jump in and he handed me a wipe.

My head hurt like a bitch. It felt like a migraine on steroids. I declined the wipe and put my head on my hand, which rested on the rest beside the window. I shut my eyes and listened to the engine rev.


I felt a cold cloth press on my face and I opened my eyes. Dean was pressing a wet rag against my skin. His eyes were full of worry and concern, making my heartache. "How're you feeling?" He asked. "Better." I smiled, sitting up. "Sam went to go grab some dinner. We'll leave in the morning." Dean told me. I nodded. Our faces were inches apart. Tension began to form when he placed his hand on mine. I winced and looked at the red marks on my skin. "Okay. I'm gonna go shower and pick glass out of my hands." I sighed. He nodded.

I walked to the bathroom and closed the door, then pulled out a pair of tweezers and carefully plucked shards of glass from my skin. Afterward, I undressed and turned on the water. Fuck. I need clothes.

I wrapped a towel around me and opened the door. Avoiding eye contact, I grabbed my bag and returned to the bathroom. Luckily, I had undergarments and shorts. Shirts, however, were still in the washer. "...Dean?" I called. "Yeah?" He replied, clearing his throat. "Can I borrow a shirt?" I requested. I heard the doorknob squeak and open. Dean held out a black top. "Thank you," I said, reaching for it.

He pulled it back and placed his hand on my cheek, frowning slightly. "What's wrong?" I whispered. He seemed troubled. Dean pinned me to the counter. "You. You're the problem." He replied. I clenched my jaw. "What---"

I felt his lips press against mine, warm and dominating. I didn't even realize I was returning the kiss until it had escalated. My hands slipped under his shirt and pulled it over his head, giving us only a moment to breathe until our lips collided once again. I heard him kick off his shoes and remove his pants and we stumbled into the room and onto our bed. Dean held my wrists and kissed from my lips down to the towel line. His breath was hot against my chest. I shuddered as the towel was slowly taken from my body. My hand instinctively ran through his hair and my back arched as his lips traveled down my body.

I scrunched my hair up in my towel and exited the bathroom, wearing Dean's black shirt. Sam walked into the motel room while Dean was changing the sheets. "Why---?Oh my god." Sam scoffed. "What'd you get?" I asked, referring to the bag of food. "Our regulars," Sam replied. "Is that Dean's?!"

He looked at my shirt. "Mine are in the dryer. Thank you for reminding me, by the way." I grabbed my bag and emptied the clothes into it. I then laid down and stared at the ceiling. "Okay but you and Dean?!" Sam questioned, pacing at the end of the bed. Dean rolled his eyes. "It was a one-time thing, Sam. Don't get annoying." Dean told him.


Sam must have seen the hurt in my eyes because he glared at his brother and walked to the bathroom. My phone chimed and I looked at the text on the screen.

He's a jackass. -Sam

I laughed and replied.

Must be a Winchester thing.

I closed my phone and turned around to face the opposite way from Dean. After Sam showered, Dean went in. "Wanna sleepover here tonight?" Sam offered. "That's low, Sam. I can't." I mumbled. "He's being a dick. Don't worry about it. Plus, we aren't even doing anything out of the ordinary. This isn't the first time we've slept in the same bed." He shrugged. I thought for a moment. "I'm gonna go take a breather."

I pulled my jacket over my shoulders and stepped outside, then reached into my pocket and took out a flask. I kicked a rock and walked around the parking lot. "I don't pray a lot. Hell, I'm not even sure if there's actually a man upstairs. I feel like I'm just kinda used to talking to whoever's listening...Listen, I---I don't ask for much. I haven't asked for anything since you bastards failed to reply while my sister was dying. I just want one fucking thing. One thing. I just want my boys to be safe, God. I--Ever since the Bloody Mary thing, I just...I don't want to get these guys in trouble. That's all I want." I said.

"You guys sat back and watched the light leave my sister's eyes, so don't disappoint me on this one," I shouted. I stared at the sky, my heart pounding in my chest. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck and I spun around. I shuddered and went back inside. I laid down next to Dean. I faced away from him and stared at the wall until sleep consumed me.

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