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"YOU called our dad, said you could help. Help with what?" Dean asked Ellen. "Well, the demon, of course. I heard he was closing in on it." The lady responded. "What, was there an article in the Demon Hunters Quarterly that I missed? I mean, who, who are you? How do you know about all this?" Dean frowned. "Ellen's a good person, Dean," Carter assured. "Look, if you don't want my help, fine. Don't let the door smack your ass on the way out. But John wouldn't have sent you if... " Ellen trailed off. Her face dropped when Sam and Dean looked down.

"He's all right, isn't he?" She asked. "No, he isn't. Dad is dead. It was the demon, we think. It, um, it just got him before he got it." Dean informed. "I'm so sorry. I know how close you and your dad were." Ellen frowned. "Look, if you can help, we could use all the help we can get," Sam said, changing topics. "Well, we can't. But Ash will."

Ellen walked away to the other room. "You and Jo?" Sam questioned. "I was drunk. I'll talk to you about it later, okay? We'll have a slumber party and call ourselves Barbie and whatever the fuck her friends were called." Carter joked. "Who's Ash?" Dean questioned. "A genius." She replied, pouring a shot of whiskey. Ellen walked in with the blonde male with spikey hair. He high fived Carter. "Hey, C-man." He smirked. "Semen??" Sam choked on his drink. "I told you not to call me that, you dick," Carter murmured. She smacked his chest.

"I'm gonna go slam my tongue in the car door." She told the group, walking out to the car. She took out a cigarette from her compartment on the passenger side and lit it. She took a long drag from the cancer stick and exhaled.


"This Dean guy sounds like a dick."

Jo and Carter sat in Jo's room with a bottle of whiskey. It was the day after Carter was told she should leave. She celebrated with a stray dog and a hamburger and drove to the Roadhouse like any sane person. There, she reunited with her dad's friend Ellen. "He's my best friend, Jo. I mean, yeah. He's a dick, but he's always had my back." Carrer mumbled. "He acted like your body was a hit and run. He's a douche. I'd punch him if I ever saw him." Jo swore.

Carter laughed and hiccuped, making her laugh even more. She and Jo attempted to make each other stop laughing, tears coming from their eyes. When Carter could no longer breathe, she stopped laughing and wiped the tears from her eyes. Jo looked at her and smiled. Maybe it was the alcohol, but Carter leaned in and placed a kiss on Jo's lips.


Carter put the cigarette out and grabbed a mint from her dashboard, then walked back into the Roadhouse. She sat down beside Sam, who read into a brown folder.


"A case?" She asked. Sam nodded. "Can you go get Dean?" He requested. Carter walked over to a window, where Dean rubbed his cheek and Jo shook off her hand. "Ow!" Dean scoffed. "Sam's got a case, Dean. Come on." Carter said, smiling at Jo. "Kept my promise." She whispered.

They walked back to the car and Sam explained the case to them. "Cooper Carnivals. A clown left the daughter unharmed and killed the parents. Ripped them to pieces. The cops have no viable leads, and all the employees were tearing down the shop. Alibis all around. Plus this girl said she saw a clown vanish into thin air. Cops are saying trauma, of course."

"You want to work a clown case?" Dean laughed. "What's wrong with clowns?" Carter questioned. "You didn't think I'd remember, did you? I mean, come on, you still bust out crying whenever you see Ronald McDonald on the television." Dean continued teasing Sam. "Well, at least I'm not afraid of flying." He replied. "Planes crash!" Dean shouted. "And clowns kill!" Sam yelled. "Fine. So these types of murders, they ever happen before?" Dean sighed.

"Uh, according to the file, 1981, the Bunker Brothers Circus, same M.O. It happened three times, three different locales. Maybe it's a cursed object? Spirits can attach themselves to things to carry them around. It's the only conclusion I have." Sam shrugged. "Great. Paranormal scavenger hunt." Dean sighed. "Can we get food first?" Carter requested. "No. Why did Jo punch me into next year?" Dean replied. "She's mad at you. Duh."

"If they hand me a fucking rainbow wig, I swear to God, I'll break your face, Dean," Carter warned as they stepped into a tent. In order to blend in and search the perimeters for the cursed object, Dean had the bright idea to get jobs. He rolled his eyes and approached an old man in a suit. The man was throwing knives at a target. "Excuse me, we're looking for a Mr. Cooper, have you seen him around?" Dean asked.

"What is that, some kind of joke?" The man scowled, turning around and taking off his glasses. He was blind. Carter smacked her hand over her mouth. "Oh, God. I'm--I'm sorry." Dean muttered. Sam and Carter began snickering. An extremely short man entered the tent. "Hey man, is there a problem?" He asked the old guy.

"Yeah, this guy hates blind people." The guy said. "It's just a little misunderstanding!" Dean defended. Carter gripped onto Sam's arm and hid her face behind his back while she laughed. "Little?! You son of a bitch!" The short man yelled.

Sam and Carter began coughing and laughing their lungs out. Sam turned his head in her direction to shield his laughter. "Can someone please just tell me where Mr. Cooper is?" Dean requested.


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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢 | 𝐬𝐩𝐧Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora