Oh Yeah?

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Eve's POV

After me and Kayla had that talk, I walked upstairs and went to sleep. Little bit later I felt somebody come lay down with me but I just went back to sleep.

But I wake up and see De just laying over me, just starring, she looked deep in thought.

"Goodmorning." I sat up and kissed her on the cheek, shit den changed, I like being with them, makes me feel what I felt with Kira all them years ago, which is kind of scary, cause who's to know thwy wont turn on me and beat my ass one day?


We just sat there starring at eachother.

"De you got a problem?" I yawned out.

"How you tell my cousin you wanna fuck but not tell one of us?"

I was alittle confused.

"Why would I tell Leila I wanna fuck her?" I made a face at her and she looked at me like I was slow ash.

"Eve dont act slow, why didn't you just tell me that you wanted to have sex."

Well damn just gone be blunt about it?

"I mean..I was ganna tell you eventually, just not now."

She rolled her eyes.

"Well next time tell one of us or dont tell nobody." Damn Shonie just scared tf outta me, ian even know she was in the bed.. and who tf she think I am? Im a grown ass women, If i wanna tell somebody I wanna get Dicked down, Dildo'd down, whatever, I will.

"I can do what I want, its not that deep any fuckin way, So what, I disnt tell yall I wanna lose my virginity, get over it." I sat there mean mugging Shay cause she caught an attitude.

"Eve ion know what the fuck got into you but you needa calm down." Shay tryna make herself seem scary but I dont give a fuck, not scared of her.

"Or what, you gone fuck me up? So fuckin scared." I got up out the bed and shot her the bird before I walked out the room and into the bathroom.


Leila's Pov

I was just sitting on the couch watching tv, every once in a while I would go upstairs and check on Niecy, she was getting a punishment. Some shit she tried to pull while we was out and ended up with me tying her up and stuffing her with a vibrator, but thats a whole thing.

I had just turned to the news when somebody started banging on my door. So I gets up, straight faced cause mfs over here know not to do that shit.

"Who tf is it!!"

"Me, open the fuck door Leila."

I opened the door.

"Damn Eve fuck u banging on my door for."

She squared up with me and threw a punch, but missed, Eve know damn well she wont ever be able to punch me.

"Fuck wrong with you."

"Why tf did you tell De'Shay."

I just rolled my eyes.

"Thats shit Eve? Its not that fuckin deep, when did u plan on telling them, hm?"

"When I wanted to bitch, you just went and told them my business like that?"

"Cause Eve I know you dumbass, you wasn't ganna tell them shit."

She sat there lookin pissed, and i could give af.

"Leila get over your fuckin self, you cant just go around telling my business like that." She said getting ouder.

"Eve shut up deadass, im not finna let you fuck this up for yourself cause of Kira bitch ass, Im not ganna let you pass up another chance for love, last time i didnt know what to do, but im definitely not letting it go down like that again."

We sat there in silence.

She was mad and so was I, I remember when me and Eve met she was out going and was the life of the party, thens he slowly stopped wanting to hang with me, she didnt call as much, and then i figured out what was happening but shit I was in my own situation so what could I do? Then Kira got locked up and she started partying more, and she always called, but i never really saw her fliring or putting herself out there like she did. Eve has changed but that dont mean she shouldnt be able to love sombody too.

Maybe I am pushing cause they my cousins, but if I knew they wasn't good for her I wouldn't have even introduced them.


I heard Niecy calling me.

"Go sit down Eve ill be back." I clicked her on the forehead and walked away.

"Whatever mf." She mummbled but I heard that shit.

I walked upstairs and in the room, and had a straight face.

"Lei.." She looked so pretty, tear stained face, shaking and shivering, pussy on display baby was looking wrecked.


"You ready to say sorry?"

She nodded and said a quiet "mhm."

"Im sorry d-AH!"

I up'd it on her, the shit she pulled was ridiculous, we were at the mall and I walked in a store for a second and came out and she was hehe and haha with some broad so I sat and watched across the way then some other broad came up to me and startes flirting, so shit I started too, but Niecy came up and basically pulled her arm off my waist and out her fuckin socket, so now they going back and fourth and ian wanna hear that shit so I grabbed Niecy and we left.

"Im sorry daddy!! Please cut it off I wont do it again."

"You sure?" I cut it up some more, then she called.

"Flashlight!! Flashlight!!"

I immediately cut it off and pulled it out gently, I untied her and pulled her to me.

"Goodjob baby." I started rocking her, im a little of a sadist but Niecy definitely aint no damn masochist, so I gotta remember that..

"I tried to go alittle longer, sorry."

I kissed her then hugged her.

"You did good, your trying just take your time, and dont push yourself."

I got a text from Eve saying she left.

I looked down at Niecy and she was fast asleep...

I picked her up and carried her to the other room in the house so I could clean up mine, then I went and got a cloth and wiped her off.


Eve's Pov


"Yes is this, Eve Black?"

By now I was shaking, I just saw on the news that they found Kira.

"We need you to come down to the station and identify a body."

Kira's dead...

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