Stay With Me

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This is a triggering chapter please do not read if this will trigger any, abuse, rape, violence, memories or anything of the sort.

Catch it.


2 weeks pass

Eve's Pov

"Bro I have to leave, Ive spent the night over here for a whole week, I wanna go sleep in my own bed."

"Whhhhy, why you don't wanna stay here?"

"Because if I get my pussy ate one more time im ganna cry."

She looked at me like that wasn't important.

"Thats been happening for like three days now what would be different?"
I looked at Shonie and started laughing, we went to the movies and shit it was nice, and after that we went to Mcdonalds and drove to a park and had a fake picnic on a hill and just talked.

"I just think your should stay one more day." Shay agree but I shook my head no.

Shit I was lowkey getting tired of head, never in my lift had I thought the all mighty B.P.I.C would ever say that.

"Im going home Im ganna talk to yall tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow?" I laughed at Shay.


I walked out the door laughing and drove home


I make it home and go inside, texing them I made it, shit it was good to be alone for a little.

Well damn...

What am I ganna do now?

Tv it is.


*Knoc Knock*

I got up and started laughing cause there was no way they ass couldnt be away from me for this long, we aint even dating.

"Yall ass hella fu-"

I stopped.


"Waddup baby?"

She pushed threw the door and came and sat on my couch.

"Kira what are you doing here?" I wasnt scared but I also wasnt crazy if you catch my drift.

"Im with my baby in our house, what it look like?"

"Kira get the fuck outta my-*


She slapped me in my face.

"I been seeing you around with them bitches, touching on you and shit, Melly fuck is you tweaking on." Melly was a nickname she had for me when we used to date, and I never understood it.

"I knew you was a hoe, all my people told me you was, you nasty ass pig, you think them bitches want'chu, they   probably want that pussy nothing more and nothing less."

I just stood there, I dont know what to do, It was like everything she's saying now was shit she said in the past and its really getting to me.

"So listen to me clearly, this, this right here this house, its ours now, and you, your my bitch, my motherfuckin girlfriend, them two girls you was with, if I see you with them im ganna kill you and then imma kill them."

Kira was alot of things but she wasnt a fuckin liar, I remeber she told me if I talked to the cashier that she was ganna beat her ass, and I couldnt not talk to her when she asked me if I was ok, she was fuckin concerned for fucks sake. So when the cops came I had to lie and say that she was defending herself from the waitress, then we went home and she beat my ass, and said I couldn't go outside.

"Kira what is it, why wont you just leave me alone, I wanna be happy I just wanna have a normal love life with out you trying to beat on me all the time."

What I said couldnt have been what she wantes to hear, it was like i flipped a switch in her brain, she came at me and slappes the shit out of me, i fell but she didnt stand there she started kicking me in my gutt, she punched me and yanked my hair.

"Kira please!! Please stop im sorry!"
I covered my head but i felt one good punch to the face and i saw stars for alittle.

"This is beating you baby, all those other times i was correcting your mistakes." She kept going.

I cried and cried.

Its kind of funny in a way, this same thing had happened before except we were together, and I guess you could say she had me so tight on a lesh that I was too scared to walk away from her.

*Warning, abuse*


"Please baby I'm sorry, I know I'm bad but please dont hit me today, im still recovering from last time, please I-Ill stay in the house and I wont go out and it will just be me and you I promise, I wont talk to my momma, or my auntie, I wont even talk to Lei."

Kira looked down at her Melly, and she wanted to fuck Melly up, so she started with a slap. A hard one.

Eve only cried hard hiding he face in Kira's thighs as Kira stood the watching her.

"Let mw tf go you nasty bitch, you aint shit but a luh slut who wont even take a fake dick, you lucky ion like that rape shit or I would have mad you give it up." Kira laughed but she had some menace behind every word she said.

"Baby get up im sorry..."

She caressed Eves face and Eve felt nothing but joy to hear another one of Kiras apologies, her mind was all jumbled from having endured the mental and physical pain for so long.


Kira punched her square in the lip.

"Im sorry your such a little bitch, your a fat, nasty, fuckin dunce who cant do shit right!!"

Eve held her lip crying as her lip bleed, she crawled backwards towards the wall as the pain coursed threw her body, but Kira wasn't done with her. She walked up to Eve and started hiting, kicking, and jolting her body left and right, she was gone teach that bitch not to talk when ain't no body talking to her, and Eve learn that lesson, for the rest of the night.



Eve came back to and Kira was just sitting on the couch watching tv, it was quiet and all you could hear was the tv. Kira looked over at Eve and smirked.

"You alright baby?"

Eve wanted to punch Kira but her whole being was telling her not to, Kira was stronger then her in every way, and Eve almost took that risk.

"Remeber what I said Eve, talk to them bitches and its over with for yall."

Eve nodded and started looking for her phone.

"Wheres my phone." She had a slight attitude.

"I got it, you'ion need it go make me some chicken or sum."




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