Chapter 11

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( Jaia shown above )

For the first time in a long time I woke up alone... I've finished my morning rountine with the exception of my coffee stop considering my PA has it covered and I'm hoping for lunch too.

I pull out into traffic and head to work, once off the elevator I'm greeted by the smell of French Vanilla coffee and my body floated in the direction of the kitchen where I see Ms. Jones doing what looks like salsa steps with her earphones in totally oblivious to my presence... I am momentarily engrossed in her movements and I'm tempted to record her just to tease her about it later but decide against it.

I walk slowly up to her back and poke her on her back only to watch her almost run out of her heels and topple over while screaming in fright... the entire scene was so comical that I could not help myself... I dropped my briefcase and doubled over in laughter...

This is becoming a bad habit much too soon... oh my goodness... by the time I've composed my stoic self.. I realize I'm in the kitchen alone with my breakfast and briefcase... when I immerge from the kitchen my PA is at her desk working very diligently.

I say good morning as professionally as I could manage and she does the same and I disappear into my office to have my breakfast and start my work day.. today is a fairly quiet day as I have no meetings to attend so I catch up on my backed up documents while snickering in between as this mornings scene pops in and out of my mind, this woman..

ringgg ringgg (my office line)

** Hello**
"Mr.Perry there's a Jaia here to see you"
**Oh God!... not right now**
" I'm sorry sir I forgot about your associate conference meeting.. I apologize for disrupting I will ask Ms.Jaia to reschedule to another day good bye"

She hung up.. she's a saint I tell you.. quick thinker... bless her!


I hear the elevator ding and hear the clack of heels approach, I look up from my computer as the foot steps near me and I'm met by one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen... " wow you are beautiful " she stalls for a second, clearly surprised by my compliment.. " thank you very much.. you are beautiful as well "... " thank you.. how can I help you?"

**I'm Jaia I'm here to see Romy**.... " sure hold a moment'', I dial his extension and relay my message... clearly he doesn't want to see this woman so I need to think on the spot and spit out the first nonsense that comes to mind and sell it.

I turn to her after I hang up looking apologetic over the BS I just spat out... " I'm sorry Ms. Jaia but Mr. Perry is unable to see you at this time, would you like to leave a note for him or schedule an appointment for another day?"

** It's okay... Thank you for your help.. see you around**

With that she heads out looking semi disappointed but still okay, I hear the elevator open and close and make my way to the break room to ensure she left and also to warm the lunches... once I've verified she had left I warmed the food and took Mr. Perrys' dish for him.
*knock knock* Come in!... " here is your lunch sir.. and coast is clear.. please enjoy..." ... ** It seems my debt to you is piling up Ms. Jones... you are a very quick thinker... great going and thank you for the help and the food** ... " No problem.."

I head back to have my lunch...

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