Chapter 18; USJ

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Today's the day! You and your classmates will be going somewhere for Hero Basic Training that will take up the whole day. You my not be able to use your quirk yet, but you are still going to do the best you can! However...

"Guys!? Why are you block the door!? I'm going to be late!" You explain.

Your Pokémon all want you to take them, or at least one of them, with you to school. They can be overprotective with you sometimes when your the one who takes care of them. So when they hear thing like, a human Primape with fire hands being mean to you or a break in at the school, they get worried about you. Some of them know you face worse during your five years traveling, it would mostly be the newer or the overprotective ones who doesn't want you to get hurt. Today though, it seems like all of them are beyond worried and are preventing you from leave to school.

The little Pokémon would make a whimpering sound, saying they don't want you to leave this times. The older and bigger Pokémon are standing their ground as to not let you pass.

"Come on guys! I can't be late or Aizawa would have me do homework till I grow old and die!"

'I am sorry M'Lady, but we can not allow it.' Said Gardevoir.

'Not unless you take all of us with you.' Lucario said strictly to you.

You give a sigh as you tell them. "I already told you I can't. If it's about the breakin-"

'Its more than that.' Gardevior said stepping up to you with Crimson. She then gestures to both her and the Absol, 'We both insisted, for your safety.'

Your eyes widened at this. The only time they would ever corporate, due to their typing, is when something involving your safety and something very dangerous and disastrous was going to happen. The image of the hole in the wall yesterday suddenly came up, could the disaster be link with that? Was it Pokémon related? Are you going to run into trouble?

You look at your Pokémon and begin to think of the pros and cons on if you take your Pokémon. On one hand, if you take them with you, you'll be safe but then Pokémon would be expose too early and everyone would know. On the other hand, if you don't take them, you can rely on your classmates to protect you but then your chances of being safe depends on what happens there. Plus, it would be a repeat like last time and they would follow you and ended up exposing themselves, and might get themselves hurt.

Honestly, you don't want them to get hurt. And they don't want you to get hurt.

You look at them before pinching the bridge of your nose. "Okay, you guys can come." Your Pokémon all cheer before you reminded them that they need to behave and the your only taking the same number of Pokémon you usually take with you.

Now, who do you take with you?

After few classes and having Lunch, it was time for the next class. Myths and Legends class was cancelled due to making up yesterday's anticipated training. Aizawa stood in front of the class and said, "Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

This drew gasps from some of the students as they looked surprised. Three Pros? Was it because of the break in yesterday.

Sero raised his hand and asked. "Sir! What kinda training is this?"

Aizawa grabbed a card and held it up. Showing that it had the word 'Rescue' on it in bold, light blue letters. "Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that."

The students started to chatter before Aizawa said, "Guys, I'm not finished." everyone's focusing was back on him. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know that you're excited about costumes..." He pulled out a remote from his pocket and pressed the only button on it. The red button. This brought out the costume cases from the wall. "...but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready."

Pokémon Hero, Light of Hope (Bakugou x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum