Chapter 31: Lunch Meeting

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Sayonara, Ash Ketchum of Palette Town. Thank you for all the adventures you, Pikachu, your friends and Pokémon have given to us. You'll always be the best like no one ever was to me.

Now it's time for a new adventure.

The bell rang to signal the end of the fourth period, modern literature. After Cementoss stepped out of the class, it was lunchtime for Class 1-A and everyone's mind was on the Sports Festival more than the new professor in the lab or the new student coming tomorrow.

Everyone is excited for the Sports Festival, while you have your own thoughts on the event. This is the chance to show off your Pokémon to the world, to show others the bond between you and your team. To make your mark in history and to show everyone what Pokémon can do. Your glad that you won't have to run into any villains and that more security will be added.

Another thought came to mind is the new student joining Class 1-A. She's a Pokémon trainer like you, meaning she would play an important role with you in helping unite the two worlds together. What's she like, though? Does she have a quirk that's Pokémon related? And what Pokémon will she have on her team? More importantly, why didn't your aunt mention anything about her? 'Uh! My head is hurting just thinking about it!' You thought to yourself.

"Deku, Iida..." you look over when you heard Ochaco voice. Only to be startled at the sight of her grinning a bloodthirst smile with eyes burning with determination and an intense purple aura surrounding her at her two friends. "At the Sports Festival... Let's do our best!"

"What happened to your face, Uraraka?!" Midoryia asked, a little frightened by her change in character.

Mina too was bewildered by Ochaco's sudden personality turn over. "What the...? Your not looking very Uraraka, Uraraka."

Mineta perverted mind made him blush. "Maybe it's that ti-"


Tsu slap him across the face with her tongue before he says any more.

Ochaco spread her feet out, crouching down slightly and raised her fist high in the air. "EVERYONE, I'M GONNA DO MY BEST!" She yelled with eyes glowing white and her hair shadowing the upper part of her face.

"Yeah!" Midoryia and the others cheered with her raising their fist up int the air.

Ochaco then turned around towards you and your other classmates and did the same thing. "I SAID I'M GONNA DO MY BEST!" You all raised up your fists with sweatdrops.

"G-Got it." You said nervously at her strange behavior.

"Yeahhhh, but talk about inconsistent characterization!!" Kirishima commented.

After that, you decided to try and eat your lunch at the rooftops garden area for a change. It is a nice warm day outside so who wouldn't want to soak in some sun while eating something very tasty.

Stepping outside, you breath in the nice fresh air and take in the fragrance of the greens on the roof. You got yourself comfortable as you open you bag to eat your food in its bento box. You giggle to yourself on how cute you made your egg and rice in a shape of a Psyduck with its eyes being half a hard boiled egg with the black sesame seeds in the middle of the egg. The slice cheese in a shape of Psyducks bill and the small nori strips making the hair.

Normally, you wouldn't make this without having your classmates question why your food resembles a Pokémon. Though now that they know about you being a Pokémon trainer and the Pokémon you might be happy to have this be known. However, not all the school knows about this so you decided to just make your Pokémon theme food and eat up on the rooftop for today.

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