Chapter 6; The Answer

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You slowly begin to open your eyes to find yourself starring at a white ceiling. You cast your eyes to the nearest window to see that it's already afternoon. You look in the other direction to see Pikachu curl up, asleep on a chair.

You look around to find that your in some kind of hospital room with curtains around the bed and medical supplies on a desk. Deciding to get up, you swung your legs over the side and got off the bed. However, instead of standing like you had planned to, as soon as your feet touched the tiled floor, your knees buckled. You swallowed your surprised yell as you slammed into the smooth tile beneath you.

The noise of you falling woke Pikachu up. He look around to see you now on the floor, rubbing your noes. "Pika Pi!?" He said as he ran towards you.

"I'm okay, Pikachu," you told him.

Pikachu signs as you slowly got back up again. You sat yourself on the bed when the door open and someone spoke to you. "Oh dear, are you all right?"

You look up to see a short, elderly woman with grey hair styled into a bun that has a syringe looped through it. She wore a doctor's lab coat and a dress with yellow and red vest-like designs on either side, two yellow buttons, and a pink belt. She also wore pink boots and had a helmet on her head. In addition, she was walking with a cane designed like a syringe. You put two and two together to know that she must be the school nurse, Recovery Girl.

Pikachu turn his attention to the nurse and ran up her. Recovery Girl in turn rub Pikachu head in an affectionate way.

"Well hello to you too. Did you have a good nap?" She ask him.

"Pikachu!" Your buddy chirp in response.

She then turn to you and walk over to your side of the bed. "And how about you, dearie?"

"Oh. A little tired but well. So... Um..." you start, unsure how to put it before asking, "How long was I out?"

"Oh not long." She said, setting herself on a chair. "I have to say, you handle yourself well in this exam. If this was part of the exam the others had to take, I'm sure you would be in the top 3."

"Really? That's awesome!" You said, nearly jumping out of bed. Of course your legs still feel off so you settle yourself down before making the same mistake again. "So... who's in first? You know if I made, well, would of made the top 3 rank in the exam..."

Recovery Girl laugh a little before saying, "I'm sorry dearly. But my place in the exam is to heal many wonderful student who done an outstanding job, not to rank the exams. And besides, it's too soon to know who make it to the top."

"Heh, I girl could ask, right?" You said. You got up slowly off the bed. After feeling that your legs won't give off on you, you turn to the nurse as if asking if your clear to go. She nodes, but recommended that you rest up once you make it back to your place.

You were still in bed the next day with Pikachu next to you. Your legs feel better, your Pokémon had their rest, and you are on your way to school when it starts in a few months.

Honestly, you don't know how to feel. You were both excited and nervous at the same time. Your going to a school for heroes, with people who all work hard to be in, all have the goal to become Pro Hero's. You are a trainer, who have spent a whole life catching Pokémon and either relocate them into a new area to live in or have them on your team to help you catch Pokémon. Two worlds with two ideals would be in the same class together. Then there's the goal you both have to reach, though the reason would be different to everyone.

From what you know so far from the modern heroes, they seemed to only be doing this for money, fame, or glory. From your encounter with Katsuki the Primape, he wants to be the number 1 hero, though his attitude might not get him far. The current number 1 hero is a man called All Might, the Symbol of Peace. Not much is known about the man. Ever since he appeared on the Hero scene, the incredible strength he had was enough to win him the love of the world. Every year since he came out, the rate of Villain appearances has decreased. His existence alone is a deterrent to villainy. Your not sure if everyone have the same mindset as that Primape or if they have a different reason to be a hero other than the money or fame. Maybe they want to be heroes to save lives and stop evil.

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