Chapter 13; Next Match

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"Your indoor combat training is over. The Hero team WINNNNNNNS!"

To say that the rest of Class 1-A was shocked would be the understatement of the year. They had witnessed the brawl of the century. It was fast paced, it was suspensful, it was incredible. And it was barely the first team!

"What a weird way to end?" Kaminari said as they saw Iida trying to help Ochaco, who looked like she was going to vomit soon, while Midoriya and Bakugo didn't move. "The losers are practically untouched and the winners are both on the ground."

"How does the old saying go: they may have won the battle, but they lost the war?" Fumikage said while bowing his head in respect. His costume consisted of a dark robe with a purple tint that covered his entire torso and knee-high black boots.

"This class is intense." Tsu said.

As everyone continued to discuss their opinions of the battle, you stared at Midoriya. Throughout the battle, you noticed how he didn't use his Quirk till the end of his match, and relied mostly on close quarters combat. While it was a smart move, it ended up costing him in the long run. You wonder how you'll do in your match? Without a Pokémon, your consider quirkless yourself. And even if you have at least one in you, your not supposed to show them to everyone till their announce.
"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" You snap out of it when Momo ask you a question. You turn to see that she staring at you with concern.

"Oh, I'm fine. Just wondering how well I'll be doing when we go up." You said, getting an understanding nod from Momo as you watch the medic robots carrying Midoriya out.

"I understand, it's only the first team and we both still need to figure out a strategy for when we're up." Momo said, thinking a bit before turning back to you. "I suppose the first thing we need is to know each other's quirk."

"My quirk, right," you weren't sure how to explain it to her till All Might walk in with Iida, Ochaco, and Bakugo.

"Well, despite the results, the MVP of this exercise is... young Iida." Everyone in the room widened their eyes in shock.

"Wait, shouldn't it be Midoriya or Ochaco since they're the winners?" You asked.

"Valid question, why didn't I choose one of the Heroes? Who has a guess?!" Momo was the first to raise her hand.

"Iida embraced this challenge. He was the only one who truly adapted to his assigned role." Everyone stayed quiet, as if waiting for a deeper meaning. "Allow me to explain. Bakugo's judgement was clouded by a personal grudge against Midoriya. As you pointed out earlier, launching a large scale attack indoors was a foolish move. It could have been disastrous. Similarly, Midoriya's plan was also poorly thought out, considering the amount of damage that he received. He rendered himself helpless, not smart. As for Uraraka, she let her guard down mid battle and her final attack was far too reckless, given the hypothetical stakes. If she treated the fake weapon as though it were real, she never would've risked using such an imprecise move. Iida was fully prepared for his opponent's arrival. He had a strategy and never lost sight of his mission to protect the dummy weapon, even if he was foiled in the end." Hearing the praise, Iida grabbed his heart as comical tears ran down his face. "Technically speaking, the Hero team won yes, but they took advantage of the fact this was training and didn't respect the spirit of the trail."

Everyone looked at her in silent amazement. This girl definitely had a good eye on her. All Might grunted a little, still stunned how she basically stated everything he wanted to say. "Y-Yes, overlooked a few things. Young Iida could've relaxed a little bit in the exercise. But, otherwise you nailed it!" This got a sweat drop from everyone as Momo stood proudly.

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