Side Chapter 2; Be Mine (pt. 1)

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Takes place after Pokémon is revealed. Only about a few weeks after USJ.

Its a two parter, the second part well take place on White Day, March 14.

Sorry for the lateness! I actually made a Valentines Day card like that for my brother. I even put his favorite Pokémon on it! Hope this makes up for the lateness!

Valentines Day, a holiday not quite celebrated where you lived. Yes there are some places in the hidden regions that celebrate Valentines Day, though your never in the town to celebrate it due to Pokémon catching. So this would technically be your first time truly experiencing the holiday of love.

You sat there as you listen to the girls talking about what they plan to do for Valentines Day. Apparently in Japan, it's traditional for girls to buy chocolates and gifts for the boys they like on Valentines Day. Then a month later on White Day, March 14, boys buy gifts back for the girls who bought them gifts on Valentines Day. The more you know.

"Hey (L/N)-Chan! Do you have a boy you like?!" Mina ask you, practically bouncing in place.

"Well I like everyone in class. Except for Mineta, he's... creepy," you said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, not a lot of us are getting him anything either," Jiro said, not carrying if the little perv heard her words, nor the heart break look on his face.

"But is there a guy you like to give chocolates to?" Mina press on.

"Can't I give chocolates to everyone?" You ask.

"I mean you can if you want. But it's more exciting if you got someone you like a gift!"

While this is going on, both Bakugou and Kirishima step into the classroom. The Primape boy take a quick glance at you before heading to his seat. Kirishima sat down beside him, and figuring out Bakugou's crush on you, went in to be supportive.

"So, excited for tomorrow?" Kirishima ask.

"Hell no I won't," Bakugou said to him, low enough so no one in the back can hear him. "It'll be the same as last year, a swarm of a whole bunch of bitches who won't leave me the fuck alone!"

"Come on, it's unmanly not to accept anything from cute girls," Kirishima argued. He took a glance at you before continuing, "besides, wouldn't you like it if (L/N) got you something?"

"THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" Bakugou shouts, catching everyone off guard. He quickly face forward, not wanting the whole class to see his blush. 'Stupid Shitty Hair! Saying shit like that in front of her! Stupid!' He thought mentally, honestly thinking of how to beat his ass if word got out.

"Are you guys okay over there?" You ask from where your seating.

"Naw, we're good," Kirishima said with his sharp toothy smile. Then a ideal pop into his head on how to change the subject. "Say (L/N), is there a Pokémon that's sorta Valentines Day like?"

"Gasp! Yeah (L/N)! Is there a Pokémon who spreads love!?" Ask Mina excitedly.

"Will there are certain Pokémon who can use the move Attract," you said.

"What's that?" Ask Midoryia, who's now interested in knowing what Pokémon can learn.

"To put it simple, Attract can cause infatuated damage. For it to work, both Pokémon have to have a gender and that the genders are opposite," You explain. You notice everyone looking at you as if you sprouted three heads like an Exeggutor. "If a girl Pokémon use Attract on a boy Pokémon, the boy Pokémon will be so in love that he won't fight back even if the girl Pokémon attacks them," you simplify it.

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