Chapter 32; Pokémon 101

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The bell rings, signifying the end of the Lunch period. Everyone in Class 1-A are now heading to their new class writing in the syllables. It's certainly new to some as they mostly have their subjects in the same classroom with a new teacher stepping in every class period. Though considering it's a lab of some sorts it would be logical for it to be in a different setting.

The seating arrangement is the same though the desk are big enough for two students. Since there are twelve tables in total, the students sharing them would be the last person a row behind them. The first row would be Aoyama and Mina, Tsu and Iida, and Ochaco seating by herself. The second row would be Ojiro and Kaminari, Kirishima and Kuoda, and Satou seating by himself. The third row would be Shouji and Jirou, Sero and Fumikage, and then you and Todoroki. The last row would be Hagakure and Bakugou, Midoryia and Mineta, and Momo seating by herself.

"This new seating arrangement is bull shit!" Bakugou complains, making Hagakure uncomfortable.

"Yeah! I wanted my seat partner to be one of the girls!" Mineta also complaining.

"Silence everyone! We had to follow the seating arrangements by order base off of our own classroom seating assignment! Their will be no switching seats under any circumstances!" Iida proclaimed out loud getting everyone to settle down.

At your shared desk, you sat on the right side of Todoroki. You realize how little interactions you had between you and the red and white hair boy. You sat behind him since school started yet never spoken a word. Though it's mostly cause your still shy yourself and a bit antisocial considering you prefer Pokémon than people. Though now that your seat partners, you'll probably have to interact a little more.

You face the front keeping silent until Todoroki spoken, making you jump a little in your seat. "This class," he said, turning slightly to look at you. "Is it related to what you are?"

"What?" You ask. So far your the only one to guess that the Myth and Legends class was secretly a Pokémon class. The fact that Todoroki knows as well before the rest of the class is surprising. "You mean me being a Pokémon trainer? Yeah, I think. I mean literally the first homework is finding myths that's actually base on Pokémon. Well to me it feels like it," you told him.

"So then, is there one of those Pokémon base off of the Yuki-Onna?"

"There is. Is she what your homework is base on?" You ask him. He simply nodded before handing you his paper, letting you read his work. Your surprise at how well he goes into detail of the ice-ghost woman, especially on how she treats men. Your definitely getting a Pokémon vibe just by reading it.

What you didn't know, is that Bakugou look over his shoulders to see you and icy-hot talking and being friendly. This strangely made his gut twist in disgust, at least he thinks that's what it is. It shouldn't bother him that your now interacting with extras. It really shouldn't.

The final bell rings, meaning it's time for class to start. However...

"This is unacceptable! As a professor of UA, they should arrive on time! Not a second late after the bell rings!" Iida said after waiting for what felt like a minute since the bell rings. The class is ready too but the teacher isn't here.

"Whoa man chill, maybe their lost or something? It is there first day teaching," Kirishima said, trying to justify the teacher lateness.

"Oh Arceus, where is she?" You groan. You just left her after lunch to head to the class your aunt is suppose to teach. Yet for some reason she is somehow late for it.

"Arceus? Is that a Pokémon?" Todoroki ask.

"Yeah, a very legendary type of Pokémon," you told him.

Before anything else is said, you all could hear heals running down the hall before the door slammed open, revealing your very out of breath aunt. "Oh good! I got the right class this time! Class 1-A right!?"

Pokémon Hero, Light of Hope (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now