Chapter 21; Heroes meets Pokémon (pt. 1)

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Earlier, at the Shipwreck Zone, Midoriya, Mineta, and Tsu were going over a plan to get past the villains and to save everyone. So far, they know that the villains have the advantage in the water, but don't know anything about their quirks with Tsu being here with them.

All three went over the abilities of what each of their quirks can do, Tsu being Frog, which allows her to do whatever a frog can do, Midoriya having a Power Up Quirk that gives him huge strength but hurts him with draw backs, and Mineta having Pop Off which allows him to throw sticky balls at people. Of course, Mineta cry saying how worthless he is in this situation.

Midoriya was telling him that his quirk could be useful when he felt movement in his pocket. He reach in and pulls out the red and white ball he found earlier.

"Midoriya, what's that, ribbit?" Tsu ask.

"I don't know, I found it on the boat when we got here." Midoriya answer while looking it over. "I think it's a support item. I remember seeing an image of it on one of our classmates hero outfit."

Tsu look it over as well and then it clicks to her. "Your right, (L/N)-Chan has an image similar to this on hers. You think it has something to do with her quirk?"

"I don't know. I don't even know what her quirk is"

"Hey!" Mineta shouted over the two, "If it's a something like a bomb, then why not throw it at the villains! Then when the villains distracted, we run away without fighting!"

"But we don't know what it is or how it works, for all we know, it could help the villains than us," Tsu said.

Midoriya ponders a bit before standing and walking away from the two, ball in hand. "I'm going to try and test it out. If it's a boost support item, than it would help us, if it's a bomb and it blows up, I would rather take the hit than let you get hurt."

"IF ITS A BOMB, THAN THROW IT OVER THE BOAT!!!" Mineta said crying and taking steps away from his green hair classmate.

"There might not be enough time to throw it," Midoriya said, clutching the ball tighter. Unaware that the creature in the ball could feel what's happening outside and when he felt your bond trying to connect with it, he has to get out.

Surprising everyone, the ball pop open and a figure came out of the ball. Midoriya stumble back before landing on his butt. Tsu got into a fighting stance while Mineta ran behind the frog girl.

Before them look like a bipedal dog, wolf, jackal thing with a black mask and spikes on its arms and center chest. It has blue, black, and yellow fur with red eyes.

Lucario look around the boat, wondering how he was going to reach you when your far away from him. 'This is the disaster Crimson and Gardevoir were mentioning before,' he thought to himself. He look over to see a girl with frog like qualities and a small boy with grapes on his head. These must be your classmates, you mentioned them before while talking about your school. He close his eyes and sees that the girl has a strong aura, though the little boy is considered the week.

"Um... what, or who are you?"

Lucario turn his attention to the boy holding his Pokeball. The boy seems to have gotten up after falling and wasn't sure what to make of him. Lucario check this boys aura and was shock to see how strong it is. It's greater than your own aura, practically shining all over his body. Upon closer expectation, he finds that it's not just one aura, it's like nine different auras are put into a single body. Just how is this possible?

"Wha-wha-WHAT IN THE HECK IS THAT!?!" Mineta cried out pointing a the Aura Pokémon.

"It looks like a jackal, like the ones in Egypt with Anubis, the God of the dead, ribbit," Tsu said.

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