Chapter 28; Family Reunion

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Did anyone seen the new Pokémon trailer? I might have to include generation 9 into the story. My favorite starter so far would have to be the grass kitty! So Cute~!

Also sorry for the lateness again!

"Up next: an update on yesterday's incident at the U.A. rescue training center where Hero course students were attacked by a gang of villains." A female voice said on the radio. "According to new police officials, the criminal forces called themselves 'The League of Villains'. Investigators have reportedly uncovered that this group has been plotting to kill U.A. teacher and popular Hero All Might since the spring of this year as well as attempted kidnapping of a student. Police arrested 72 villains at the scene, but the League's leader escaped. His whereabouts are unknown."

"Pikachu, can you change the channel on the radio please. I don't want to here the news." You ask your partner. Pikachu went up to the radio on the table and changed it to a station playing music.

With school canceled, your spending today grooming and cleaning all of your Pokémon. And given that you have around 276 Pokémon, with your remaining 24 arriving soon, your going to be busy. While Pikachu watch over your other small Pokémon outside, you're currently brushing your large, bovine Pokémon. He's covered in light brown fur with a thick, darker brown mane around the neck. He has a rounded muzzle with a dark brown nose, small, triangular eyes, three gray bumps running vertically down its forehead, and a pair of curved, gray horns grow from atop his head. Each of his three black tails has a tuft of fur on the end, and there is a single gray hoof on each foot.

"There you go! That feels nice, right Tauros?" You ask the Wild Bull Pokémon.

"Moo!" Tauros reply happily. He always love it when you give his mane a good brushing, it's always relaxing.

You look over to Pikachu to see him playing a game of catch with around four of your small Pokémon. One is a monkey-like Pokémon with a three-fingered hand at the end of its tail. Its fur is purple, while the skin of its face, inner ears, belly, feet, and the tip of its tail are beige. Its face usually has a cheeky smile and round, blue eyes. It has round ears and it's head is disproportionately large compared to its body. Atop its head is a small cowlick and unlike its feet, their arms are simple, purple stubs.

The second Pokémon is small bipedal, ursine Pokémon covered in short, orange-brown fur. Its muzzle is a light tan color with a small black nose and black eyes with white irises. There is a slightly paler tan crescent marking on its face, and it has round ears. It has three claws on its forepaws as well as two claws and yellow paw pads on its hind paws. Its tail is short, round, and puffy.

The third Pokémon is a small, amphibious, quadruped Pokémon. It has a blue body with a light-blue underside. It has a large head with a blue fin on top and a light-blue tail fin. It has black, beady eyes and orange, star-shaped gills on its cheeks.

The last Pokémon is a pink, feline Pokémon with a stumpy body and four short legs. On its face is a cream-colored, crescent-shaped marking. It has slit-like eyes and tufted ears with purple interiors. Its slender tail has a bulky pink section at the end, terminated by three pin-like structures with yellow ball-like tips.

You would of want all of your Pokémon outside, sunbathing, rolling in the grass and dirt, sleeping in the shade, or even swim in the small kiddie pool you bought for your small water Pokémon (it was easier to pack and carry around with you on your journey). However, with that many Pokémon you have, you have to keep them in a PC storage unit the government added. It's a pain, but you can at least keep some of your Pokémon out and rotate the rest. You'll be asking the principal later to add maybe a gated field for your Pokémon to run around in along with a large pool for your other number of Pokémon. Especially since you'll be having one of your water types evolve soon.

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