Chapter 5; The Exam

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With the exam coming up, you got to work on learning everything you need to know. Like everyone you still need to take the written portion of the entrance exam. Then there's the mock test for people with recommendation. It suppose to be different than the one the other examines are taking, though you won't be doing neither.

Your still going into U.A., they just need to know where you rank among the other students. The government thought that since a trainer would be going through exams, they should do one where it showcases their skills in training their Pokémon, how each Pokémon would be use in battle, and how a Pokémon could help doing rescue situations. They also needed to test out how future Pokémon trainers would enroll into a hero school. All you know so far is that it'll be private, with the teachers judging you on your skills, so you don't have to worry about anybody seeing your Pokémon.

So you spend most of your time studying for the written portion with your Pokémon either bringing you a glass of water or leaving you alone to study. Then there's the training you did for both your Pokémon and yourself. After your run in with Primape boy, you thought that you could use some training to help you be more in shape as well as learn self defense. So you not only work with your Pokémon to train and become stronger, you also have your Pokémon, specifically your fighting types, to help train you to become stronger. Some of them are great teachers, while others like to push you to the limit, often forgetting that your still human.

By the day of the exam, you have gain impressive results from your training with an array of well developed muscle. You look like one of those Pokémon trainer who's specialize in either fighting or water type Pokémon. Your Pokémon have gotten stronger as well, some of them even evolved or learn a new move. You and your team were sure you were ready.

After a good breakfast, you and your choice Pokémon in thier Pokeballs, headed to where everyone would be taking the exam. Of course, Pikachu was making it difficult for you again, so you thought about having him in a backpack to carry with you for now. Then when your going to take the exam, he can come out since it'll be just you and the teachers.

"Okay Pikachu, remember, be as quiet as you can okay. We can't have anyone see you," you told your partner. After checking to see if he could breath in the backpack, you made your way to the building around 8:40 A.M. once inside, you look around to see a lot of students there, each one wearing the same or different uniform then the rest. Some are eager to get this started, some wishing the others luck on the exam, while others are nervous about it. You can understand their nervousness, only 1 out of 300 would be accepted. You felt bad that you might have already stolen someone's chance at becoming a hero, but you have to do it, for the Pokémon.

"The fuck!? You again!?" You literally jump out of your skin, recognizing that voice anywhere. You turn around to see Primape boy walking towards you. You wanted to run, but it felt like you were hit with Mean Look and can't run away. You can feel Pikachu shuffle in the backpack, since he's able the feel your nervousness even in the bag. You try to calm yourself down so you could calm your buddy down, but it's a little hard when a pair of red eyes are looking down at you when he came close. "What the hell are you doing here, extra?" He said in a threatening voice.

You swallow lightly before saying, "W-well, I'm here on re-recommendation actually."

"WHAT!? How the hell did a weakling like you get a recommendation!?" He yelled.

You were suddenly hit by a wave anger, though it's not coming from you. Pikachu was obviously not too happy to hear this boy yelling at his partner and calling her weak. He have half a mind to just jump out and hit him with a powerful Thunder Bolt. You start to breath in to try to calm the emotions of your Pokémon, mentality telling him that your fine and to stay put.

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