Chapter 16; Election and Rooftop

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It was another day of school. You were heading out to school again when you notice a lot of people outside of the gate of the school. A lot of students are trying to squeeze their way into the school while the reporters are trying to block their way and ask questions.

You yourself were glad not to run into any of them. You head inside the building when you pass Mr. Aizawa. He was called out to get the reporters to stop harassing the students and to kindly inform them that All Might isn't in at the moment by principal Nezo orders. You look back when you heard Iida talking to the reporters before spotting them turning their attention to Bakugo.

You pause as you heard the female reporter say Sludge Villain. What did she meant by that? Apparently, it struck a nerve on Bakugo when she said and use Scary Face on the reporter, making her slow down on her advance and chose to ask someone else.

'It's effective... I think' you ponder as you watch Bakugo heading into the building passing you. It took you a moment to remember where you need to go before the bell rings.

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys," Aizawa commented with his dreary voice to the class as school started. "I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results." He then looked at the explosive-Quick wielder with a slight glare. "Bakugo. You're talented, but you're wasting that talent. This is the real world, and it doesn't care about how good you were in the past. So, don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?"

That statement made Bakugo grit his teeth in anger, and he averted his eyes to not glare at the teacher. "Yeah, whatever."

"Midoriya." Aizawa spoke up. "I see the only way that you won was by messing up your arm again. Work harder and I don't want to hear the excuse that you don't have full control of your quirk. That line's already getting old." Izuku gulped while lowering his head. "You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your quirk will be useful in the future, so I want you to show a little urgency, okay?" Izuku looked at his teacher before he smiled and gave him a determined expression.

"I will Mr. Aizawa." He promised.

"(L/N)." You look up from your Pokédex and quickly slide it under your desk so as to not let him see you on it. The look he gave you made you feel nervous, did he see it already? You were just looking at the notification you got on the Pokédex earlier. "I saw how you won your first fight. You done well but let your guard down when his partner show up. You won, but don't get cocky just cause you did it without using your quirk."

You nodded in response, "Yes sir."

"Alright, let's get down to business," the teacher said before looking to the class to address them. His voice remained as serious as ever, but there was more of an edge to it. "Our first task will decide your future."

The class started to get nervous. After their first day and yesterday's exercise, they were more than sure this was going to be another Quirk test.

"You'll need to pick a Class Representative."

Everyone breathed easily. Oh good, it was just normal school stuff, they thought. Just as that was known almost everyone threw their hands in the air and shouted how they wanted to be the Class Rep.

"Pick me, guys!" Kirishima exclaimed with a big grin and both hands up. "I wanna be Class Rep."

Kaminari also raised his hand. "I'll take it!"

Jirou lazily raised her hand. "Yeah, your gonna need me."

"Someone with more style would be..." Aoyama was interrupted by Mina skipping in front of him and waving her arms around.

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