Chapter 30; Announcement

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It was morning in the Bakugou household, the explosion boy groaned as he felt some weight on his chest. He slowly open his eyes, blurriness becoming clear as he stares into an equal pair of red eyes with yellow sclera.

Instantly, Katsuki awakens with his anger flaring up. "What the hell!? Get off of me!" He shouts at the Fire Cat Pokémon in a low voice. He doesn't want his parents, especially his mother, to barge into his room to find him with Litten. It's not like she hates cats or anything, it's just the fact that this one spits fire.

After a moment, Litten jump off of Bakugou, allowing him to set up on bed. "Don't be getting on top of my chest, Fireball! It's sketchy as fuck! Is it a cat thing or a Pokémon thing!?" Katsuki ask Litten. He stretches a bit before getting up to get ready.

Classes are back to normal, which means he can go back to school. No doubt everyone of those annoying extras will be talking about the USJ incident, though he wonders if his class would talk about those Pokémon as well. Would you still be in class?

He shook his head, this feeling, it's starting to bug him. It keeps coming whenever he thinks of you, but why is that? What is it about you that makes him-

A scratching noise got his attention back to the Pokémon, trying to get out of the window. "Would you stop that!" Bakugou told Litten, getting him (at least he thinks he's a male) to stop, "your going to get me in trouble!"

Bakugou then grabs his books and heads out the door. Upon realizing he's leaving, Litten attempts to follow him out, only for Bakugou to point a finger at him. "No! I go. You stay. And don't fucken scratch my doors!" Bakugou told him in a low voice.

Litten only glared at him, with Bakugou finally closing the door.

You stood outside of the classroom door, fidgeting about going inside to see your classmates again. You had to force yourself out of bed and going to school knowing that now everyone in class knows about Pokémon because of you. Granted only a few seen them, but you wouldn't pass any of them to gossip about what happened.

Not only that, but this is the first day your aunt would be teaching your class. She wouldn't sugar coat the whole lessons either, she seems fully prepared to show everyone in class what Pokémon are despite never teaching a class in her whole life. You also never told everyone about having a family member, a live one who isn't a Pokémon.

Your starting to have second thoughts of going to class and thought of going back and saying you got sick during the break. But before anything, a familiar voice snaps you back to reality. "Would you just fucken open the door already!"

You let out a startling scream and practically slammed your back against the door. You look back to see Bakugou, his face sporting a familiar glare. "B-b-Bakugou! I ah... I was just..." you stammer getting your words together after that scare.

"Wasting time and standing there like an idiot with class about to start soon," Bakugou said, he then push you aside and open the door. You ended up standing there like a scared Deerling in a cars headlights as everyone turns their attention to you. Bakugou walks in like nothing happened taking his seat while your stuck in place.

'I wish I'd stayed home today,' you thought as the silence is becoming unbearable.

"(L/N)!" Everyone shouted as half the class got up and surrounds you. You were startled at this as everyone all at once start asking questions, about your Pokémon.

"Why didn't you tell us about those animals with quirks!?"

"Are they a part of your quirk!?"

"Where did they come from!?"

Pokémon Hero, Light of Hope (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now