Chapter 2; Lost and Love

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5 years later

The sound of a snoring could be heard in your bedroom on another morning here in your home. The alarm that would of woke you up is now broken on the floor next to the door due to another dream of you becoming a Pokémon trainer. You just turn ten, and as stated, are old enough to have your first Pokémon and be given a trainer license to go out and catch Pokémon. It's not the same as having hero license out in the city because you can't use your quirk in public and that it's main purpose is to give you permission to catch Pokémon. Whither it's to help relocate a Pokémon that found its way into civilization into the wild area and to build a team that can help you.

After hearing so many stories from your father and other people in the community, you can hardly wait till after your 10th birthday to start your journey. From what scientists find out when training a Pokémon, the more experienced the trainer is, the more they follow commands. An inexperienced trainer would cause the Pokémon to ignore them or do their own thing. And so, all trainers starts at the age of ten and would have a starter Pokémon, which consists of a fire type, a water type, or a grass type. In different parts of the world, the starters would be a different Pokémon but still maintains the three main types as well as having a three stage evolution. Your so excited to start your journey that you stayed up all night.

Your door opens and your mom peeks in to see your still in bed. "(Y/N), your still in bed? Get up, it's already pass 10 in the morning."

You begin to stir a little, "... pass 10?... morning?..." you mumbled. It only took you a minute to realize what time it is. "Gah! I'm late! Mom why didn't you wake me up earlier!?"

"You said and I quote, 'no need to worry, I'll wake myself up' and 'I'm old enough to do things on your own.'" Your mom said as you rush out of bed and quickly get dress into clothes to wear for your journey. You mom sigh as you try to do your hair before walking out, "I'll have your breakfast ready and gear pack."

She went downstairs to the kitchen to finish cooking breakfast for you before you head out. You are now dress in standards trainers attire with a red cap on your head, a long sleeve shirt and a skirt with leggings. Your dad was reading the newspaper while having a cup of coffee. He hears rustling coming from upstairs before you show up, out of breath and looking like you got out of a Play Rough attack. "Morning sunshine! Your alarm didn't go off?"

"More like my alarm is shattered." You said tiredly, "I can't believe I'm late!"

"No need to worry! You still have time!" Your dad said taking a sip of coffee. "You know when I was young, I oversleep on my first day becoming a trainer. I had to run to the lab in my pajamas to try and get my first Pokémon before the others"

"You know whenever both you and your daughter starts saying that, I start to worry."

Your dad laugh at your moms comment, "True! But we always make it out!"

You ate your breakfast and quickly went to get your bag that you prepared yesterday. In it are fresh clothes, a water bottle, a few snacks, a sleeping bag, a water filter, a plate and bowls, utensils, a laptop to do some online homework, chargeable batteries, matches, and money to buy things in the stores like potions and antidotes. Honestly, been prepared for this your whole life. Your mom teach you how to cook on your own and you dad teach you how to survive in the woods during your camping trips. Pulse taking care of Pichu teaches you how to be responsible and how important it is to take care of your Pokémon.

Speaking of the little mouse, "Mom! Where's Pichu?"

Your mom turn to you while washing the dishes, "Don't you remember? He wasn't feeling good so we sent him to the lab to get a check up. I think he's doing fine now so you could pick him up as one of your official new Pokémon."

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