Chapter 29; Sleep Walker

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After a touching reunion between you and your aunt, you help her move her stuff into a room next door to your own. You did ask why she is moving into a dorm room meant for students and not get one for her own. Her reasons is that it let her be close to you during her stay and can at least live together like a family for the time being.

She wouldn't let you help with most of her bags, saying that those are items she doesn't want out of the open even if their in a dorm. So while she organized her room her own way, you went to interact with two of your aunts Pokémon, Meowth and Zoey.

"This place isn't so bad looking," Meowth said looking around the lounge area.

"So Meowth," you ask the Scratch Cat Pokémon, "How long have you been my aunts partner Pokémon?"

"Partner? Ha!" Meowth laugh, surprising you. "Listen, I ain't no one's partner! I don't even have a lousy Pokeball."

"Wait, so your technically a wild Pokémon?" You ask in surprise. It actually rare for wild Pokémon to be around people for so long, especially traveling. It's also risky having a wild Pokémon not tie down with a trainer because that means anyone can catch it and claim it as their own without being called a thief.

"I wouldn't say 'wild,' I'm more of a Pokémon who refuse to belong to anyone but is willing to follow your aunt." Meowth said before chuckling a little, "Ha, honestly kid! Your aunt is more wild than me!"

"And why is that?"

"I like the whole cite setting and being in a nice soft beds, your aunt prefers the woods than anything and sleeping in cold caves. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have flees on her already!"

"Hey! I don't have flees you blabber mouth!" (A/N) called out stepping out of the room. "If anyone in this room has them, it be the one who refuse to use my homemade berry shampoo!"

"You know I hate baths!" Meowth argued.

"You make your own shampoo?" You ask (A/N).

"Yep. It's all natural, and keeps the hair more healthy and shiny," she implies by running her fingers through her own hair to show how soft it looks as well. Zoey seems to agree on the softness as she jumps back into your aunt big hair to snuggle more into it.

"Not only can she make shampoo, she can also make her own toothpaste out of berries and charcoal, her own potions, medicine and spices, and even Pokeballs!" Meowth said.

"Will I did have to get some parts to make them work. It's a traditional there in our little hidden village to make our own Pokeball at least once, though now a days kid would rather buy all those fancy Pokeballs." Your aunt pointed out. You recalled that tradition, though not everyone wants to waste time making one when they could buy one in Pokemarts. You did recall trying to make one yourself, but it fall apart easily and just gave up.

By the time your aunt finish organizing her room, the sun was starting to set. You went to make something to eat as well as food for the Pokémon you have out. As you were setting up the bowls, your aunt came out to help you. "Hey, aunt (A/N)...,"

"Just (A/N) is fine," she said putting down another bowl.

"Okay. (A/N), how many Pokémon do you have right now?"

"On me I have about the same number of Pokémon any trainers has, not including Meowth."

"Why not? I know he's wild but how come you can't just catch him?" You ask putting down the last bowl.

"Mostly because he doesn't want to belong to anyone, or be put into any kind of servitude being own by a trainer. Though it's also cause he's super week compared to my team."

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