Chapter 11; Heroic Trials

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"I AM HERE!" All Might announced. "Coming through the door like a Hero!"

Once everyone in the room saw him as he walked into their classroom, the students of Class 1-A became more excited than they were. They knew that Hero Battle Training was going to be the best class, but to have it with the Symbol of Peace?

"I can't believe it's really All Might." Kaminari said in awe.

"So he is a teacher? This year's gonna be awesome!" Kirishima exclaimed while clenching his fist.

"Hey, isn't he wearing his Silver Age costume?" Tsu pointed out as All Might marched to the front podium.

"Oh man, I'm getting goosebumps everywhere. It's so retro." Mashirao Ojiro said with a smile.

While everyone was admiring All Might, you were staring at him with a mix of shock and awe. He was tall and strong looking, probably could beat your Machamp hands down. Looking at All Might is like hope is following him wherever he went, like nothing bad could happen. In a way, he's like the human version of a legendary Pokémon, all powerful and an almost God like appearance.

All Might had then made his way to the teacher's desk. Stand tall and proud behind it with his fists on his hips. "Welcome to the important class at U.A. High. Think of it as 'Hero-ing 101'," he said to the kids. "Here, you'll learn the basics of being a Pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good!" All Might took a moment to strike a pose. "Let's get into it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!" He then held out a card with the 'Battle' stylized and colored orange on it.

Bakugo immediately got excited and grinned in a happy and menacing way. "Fight training!"

"Real combat?" Midoriya muttered in disbelief.

"But one of the keys of being a Hero is..." All Might pointed towards the wall to his right. "...looking good!" Panels on the wall started to pull and extend out. Each had up to four numbered containers, though the last on had five containers in them thanks to the odd number of students. "These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started."

Hearing this, the everyone gasped and cheered. Finally, they were going to have their dream Hero costumes and wear them in for the fight. Before they enrolled at U.A. High, they submitted their Quirk registration forms; which included physical measurements and any desired costume designs to an exclusive clothing company designated by the school. With all that info, they created state-of-the-art costumes for the students.

For you, there wasn't much needed. Apparently, the government have it all cover for you once you accept their offer in going to U.A. They already have a hero outfit made for you that you could wear as both a Hero and Pokémon Trainer. They did ask for your size and measurements.

"Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!"

"Yes, sir!"

About a few minutes afterwards, All Might was in Training Ground Beta. Standing in front of the entrance, he faced the exit. Waiting for his students. From the dark tunnel of the entrance and before it was long, the students could be seen approaching.

"They say that clothes make the Pros, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof!" All Might proclaimed to the students, as they stepped out of the shadows and into the light. Fully revealing their costumes. "Take this to heart. From now on you are all...Heroes in training!"

Many of the costumes that the students had were indeed impressive to behold. For Ochaco, her hero outfit consisted of a navy blue tight suit with pink designs and detached sleeves, pink knee-high boots with heels, belt, helmet, bracers with handles attached to them, and collar.

Pokémon Hero, Light of Hope (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now