Chapter 22; Heroes meets Pokémon (pt. 2)

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Back at the USJ entrains, Thirteen was keeping Kurogiri at bay while protecting the remaining students. They need to get outside and warned the school of what's happening in USJ.

While they are waiting for the chance to get past the villain, Ochaco took the time to examine the ball thrown at her. Thirteen didn't want the villain to get his hands on it and they mention something about a 'Pokémon Trainer' in their class. She thought back to you and your hero outfit. It has the same pattern that resembles the ball in her hand. Are you what their after? What's a Pokémon trainer? More importantly, why did she seen something like this before?

"Ah, Black Hole, the Quirk that sucks up matter and turns it to dust," Kurogiri said, getting sucked into Thirteen's finger. "Such an astounding power. However, you're a rescue Hero, Thirteen, skilled at saving people from disasters."

Kurogiri opened another portal in his body. "Consequently, that means you have little fighting experience or battlefield awareness."

That's when a portal opened behind Thirteen. The Hero yelped as Thirteen was getting sucked in, as the students could only gasp in horror. Then, the back of Thirteen's suit was torn apart, and pulled into the Black Hole. Destroying the Hero's back as it was turned into dust. Thirteen was quick to cancel their quirk before their back is complete destroyed though they are now in a weaken state.

"I'm sorry..." The Space-Hero said weakly. "He got me..."

"Thirteen!" Mina screamed and ran over to the Pro Hero.

"Now then, the ball," Kurogiri said as he lunge himself towards them. They gasp at this, he's attempting to repeat what he did to their classmates, though his focus is on Ochaco.

As she grip the ball, the being inside felt distress. She was already upset for being away from you but the fact that someone wish harmed on your classmates angers her. With a pop, the Pokeball open up, surprising everyone. Standing between them and the villain look like a tall person with green hair, a white dress, and has something pink in her chest.

'Vile being,' Gardivour thought telepathically as she face Kurogiri, 'You shall pay for separating me from M'lady!' With that, she use Fairy Wind to push him back and away from her and the others.

"It has a quirk!?" Iida said.

"Iida, get outta here!" Sato yelled, attracting the speedster's attention. "GO! NOW!"

Iida steeled his nerves and started his engines. "ENGINE!" he yelled, making a dash towards the door, running past a daze Kurogiri, who turned towards him.

"A sheep trying to escape from the wolves. I simply can't allow that!" He said, opening up a portal in front of Iida. Its bad enough that a Pokémon got out to defend them, but if the heir of the Iida family was to get out and bring the other Heroes, then things would be more difficult for them to end All Might and find the Pokémon Trainer.

Iida tried to come to a stop before he was sucked in. He couldn't stop. Suddenly the portal was tackled to the ground by Shoji, who wrapped his arms around it to close it. "Run! I've got him!"

Iida grunted and increased his speed. He'll get help, and he'll do it in a flash!

"You impertinent child!" Kurogiri exclaimed with anger and moved towards Iida. Uraraka, was kneeling next to Thirteen while Gardivour looked towards the villain, but then noticed something in his body. Ochaco also look where Gardivour was looking and spotted three metal plates that would go around a person's neck. "You won't set foot outside those doors!"

Iida was getting closer, but then he asked whether or not the doors were locked. Can he even pry them open in time? But things only looked to be getting worse, as he was chased over by a shadow.

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