Chapter 14; Paralyzed

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Upon entering the building, both Kaminari and Jiro look around the building before Jiro moves to the nearby wall. Controlling one of her earlobes, she moved and stabbed it into the wall. Jiro then closed her eyes and listened to any faint sounds that she could hear across even extremely thick walls.

"Well? Which floor are they on?" Ask Kaminari.

"Shhh!" Jiro hush him. Honestly, she wish she had a different partner. She went back to listening to any noises the other team are making. She pick up on some breathing and footsteps. Like someone is running. Then there was a clicking noise.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" Jiro screams while holding her head. Her ears are hurting for the loud low pitch sound coming off the walls.

"Jiro! Hey what's wrong!?" Kaminari ask.

"They put on some sort of high pitch sound," Jiro said.

"Seriously? Well what did you hear before the sound?"

Jiro thought for a moment before saying, "There was footsteps, a few floors up. And there was a click. I think one of them turn on some sort of radio to throw us off."

"Okay! I'll run ahead to find them, you let me know where they are. Well stick to the plan as before!" Kaminari said before running off.

"Wait! It might be what they wanted!" Jiro called out before cursing under her breath.


You ran into a random room on the fourth floor, place a speaker hidden in the corner of the room facing the wall, and turn it on. The loud noise from it should be able to prevent Jiro from hearing where you and Momo are in the building.

Running out, you thought back about the plan you made with Momo

"High frequency speakers?" Momo ask.

"I know it sounds weird but I seen it work before." You explained, "A bat sees in the dark through sounds, and Jiro could use her quirk to hear us. So if you make a speaker that emits the sound and place them in different areas..."

"Then it would be harder for her to find us with the noises."

"Exactly!" You said. The ideal came to you after trouble with a flock of Zubats. There was a broken radio lift in the caves that emits a loud frequency that cause the Zubats confusion and have them running into walls and attacking anything near them. Luckily, it was removed and the Zubats can relax now.

"I suppose that if we do that, it would eat up more of their time to find us. But what about Kaminari?"

"Leave the electric type to me!"

'I still can't believe I said that in front of her!' You thought as you ran. You were lucky that All Might announcement cut Momo of from asking what you meant. You both were able to cover the door to the bomb up by the time it starts. And with you running around, Jiro might have pick up on where you are before turning on the speaker. Which means that either both of them or Kaminari are heading where you are. You were well prepared for when they came after you.


Back in the monitor room, everyone watch as in one screen, you were running into another room and placing a speaker. The second screen shows Momo standing still in front of the bomb, the remaining screen shows Kaminari running up the stairs with Jiro following behind.

"So is (Y/N) planning to handle the opponent by herself?" Ochaco ask in a soft voice.

"It seems likely," stated Iida, "I bet their plan is that (L/N) will stall the enemy and capture them. And if either of them get past her, they would have to deal with Yaoyorozu."

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