Now I'm alone with some weird creature

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I walked in one direction for several hours, I found a tall pine, good enough to set up camp. I was just about to set down my things when I saw a small animal, the size of a raccoon, but it was orange. I wanted to follow it. As it bounced off towards a tree, I quietly took out my gun, I planned on killing it for food. I followed it to a nest, I wasn't sure what animal had made it, but it was big and on the ground. I pointed my gun towards it, but then it started to grow, it grew into an animal the size of a rhino, its red fur glistened, it turned around, its eyes were like fire, it looked like a mix of a dog and a fox. It lunged at me, It missed by an inch, but it got right back up again and jumped at me, it cut a long line from my left eyebrow to my left cheek, lucky me it went right across my eye. I grabbed my gun, if I could just get the shot, I could get out of here. It lunged at me again, I dodged it, I pointed my gun at it, it hissed and ran towards me, I turned and ran, hoping to lead it towards more people, maybe if I did it would get scared, or the other people would help me kill it. Just maybe it would be people from region two. I ran until I lost control, I tripped over a log, the beast would surely catch up to me now. I sat in the snow, ready to accept my fate, but a sudden jolt of energy shook through me, I took my gun and pointed it to the beast, as it jumped over the log, I shot, it let out on more growl, and then it lied still, no breathing, no sign of life. I shakily walked towards it, maybe I could get its skin and have its meat.

After a couple of hours of work, I managed to get rid of the skin and cook some of the meat, it tasted like a mix of chicken and beef, I took the skin like a blanket, it was warm and soft, It made me think of when I was five, my sister and I were sitting on our mother and fathers bed, Grecia had stayed home from school that day with a cold, I had known everything that made her happy, so we were sitting on their bed under a thick warm blanket, I was planning on leaving her, but she insisted I stayed with her, she had turned on the tv and we watched a movie, the entire time we stayed under that blanket, she ended up making me sick, but I never had cared, as long as we were together. That got me thinking about Adryan, how whenever we were together, we would make sure each other was warm. Either it was with little fire pits, or an extra jacket, if one of us wasn't warm, the other would help. That got me thinking about Lazari, she radiated heat, me being a freezing cold person from Canada, it felt weird being with someone so warm and sunny. That got me thinking right back to Australia. We had lived in Sydney, but just before the separation, we moved to Brisbane. I had liked Brisbane, I made some friends there, every time my dad was gone, my friends would sneak in and unlock our doors, somehow they got a copy of the key, we talked for a couple of hours until we felt our father was going to come home. It was nice to do, they asked if they should call the cops, we refused, we felt we could make him change, I felt as if we didn't do enough to help.

Now I sat there, alone, the sky glowed silver, the moon cast beautiful light across the trees. I decided to try and get some sleep, tomorrow I was going to go find some other people, either region one people or region two people, I didn't care. Blood dripped from my cut, I took a paper towel from my bag and tried to wipe off the blood but it didn't do much, I took a cloth bandage and wrapped it around my head, it stopped the blood flow more or less. I set my bag against a tree and began to drift off.

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