Chapter 16

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Part 2

*Note: This chapter is unedited. 

Adira sat, breast feeding Jedidiah with a blanket over her, Justice was sleeping in her car seat, and Hunt was currently running around the playground with the twins and James. They had left the zoo, Adira didn't want to stay nor did she want to pay ridiculous prices for food, so they had left after viewing all the exhibits, grabbed McDonalds, and were know relaxing at the park. James jogged over to Adira with a smile. "Momma!" He exclaimed. "I'm hungry."

"You just ate!" She whispered with a smirk.

"But, Momma," She gave him a silly look. "Okay," He dragged out the y. "I'm just thirsty."

She carefully grabbed his bottle of juice and handed it to him. He took a swig and ran back off to play. Owen caught Adira's eye and smiled. She hadn't seen him smile like that in a long time. 


Candy pulled up with her husband, James Xavier, and sat in the car and watched for a moment. Adira was sitting on a blanket on the grass with Justice lying in between her legs and Jedidiah sleeping peacefully in a car seat. James, Jeremiah, and Joshua were running around the playground with a red haired man chasing after them, laughing. She sighed as her heart ache - that should be her husband with his kids. Candy got out and walked up to where her husband was waiting for her. He grabbed her hand and they walked over to where Adira had stood. Candy immediately swept down and scooped up Justice. "How's my favorite granddaughter?" She cooed with a soft smile. 

James Xavier wrapped Adira up in a hug. "Hey, baby," He said. "Ready to move into your new house?"

Her smile threatened to fall off her face. "Beyond excited, actually."

"Who’s the handsome red-haired devil with you?" Questioned Candy as she turned to face the playground.

"Well, his name is Owen Hunt. He's the chief of staff at Seattle Grace - Mercy West. He's also the trauma surgeon there. He's a friend. He's also a good friend of Derek Shepherd and Miranda Bailey's." Candy nodded. "He joined me for the zoo. I am not allowed to be out for very long alone without someone over 18. You were already taking the kids for the night and Derek was busy - he had three four plus hour surgeries today. Owen didn't have any surgeries and no meetings. He offered instead of making some random hospital staff come with."

Candy nodded again as the kids finally saw their grandparents and started running over. "Adira, we decided that we can take Justice for the night. She's been off breast milk for over two months, since you've been in the hospital. You deserve as much of a night off that we can give you."

Adira looked at down at her phone that buzzed in her hand before looking up to find Candy holding Justice with all three of the older boys hanging on James Xavier. She smiled at the affection radiating off James Xavier. Candy noticed Adira's enchantment. "He gets to see his son again through your kids. He will always hold a very, very special place in his heart for them."


Owen grabbed Adira's keys off the picnic table. "I'll drive."

Adira sighed, "Owen," She warned, not in the mood. Her emotions were all over the place.

"You need time to think and sort out what's going on your head before tonight. Let me give you that time. Trust me."

"You're buying me ice cream!" She exclaimed as she jogged to the car.

He clicked it open and carefully grabbed Jedidiah's car seat. He clicked it into place, smiling at his sleeping face, then started up the car. Adira was reclining in her seat with her feet up on the dash. She had turned the music off as to not wake the baby. "Do you want to tell me what happened today or who that was? Or are you in your own mind, right now?"

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